In a bright future: Festive backlight options for your interior


We have already talked many times about the fact that the New Year's mood depends mostly from us, and therefore we continue to make a menu of a festive table, thinking out images for New Year's Eve and think about what desires will make a mystery of the Chorans. At the same time, do not forget to think about the decoration not only ate, but in the whole house. Today we will tell about the most optimal options for decorating the interior with lighting structures. Keep bookmarks.

Garlands of all masters

Probably the most popular way of highlighting on holidays - garland. And if earlier we were content with only classic threads, today we can choose from a variety of options:

"String". The backlight, which is the same as the same thing as the usual thread, but in fact, this thread can connect to the other threads, which allows experimenting with forms and options for placing such a long thread around the perimeter of the room.

"VEB". Garland made in the form of a network. Most often used to decorate walls, windows and other vertical surfaces. If you find a narrow option of such a network, you can easily decorate the doors of cabinets or entrance doors.

Curtain Light. Garland resembling curtain. This option is the easiest to place in the doorway, but we recommend decorating her window - it will be quite non-standard.

You can choose any illumination option.

You can choose any illumination option.



The second version of the backlight is candles of all shapes and sizes. However, it is important here to remember that the open fire must be placed on all the rules of fire safety. But if you do not relocate with the number of candles, you can create not just a festive, but also a romantic atmosphere that will be an additional bonus if you celebrate the New Year with your second half. This year, designers recommend abandoning complex forms and figures from wax and paraffin - replace them on classic candles of bright colors. Also, high long candles have long left trends, but fragrant bulk candles located on the coffee table - just a great option. For a larger effect, choose candles with unobtrusive aroma so that the smell does not have time to get bored until the 31st.

Night light

Even at night, it is not necessary to abandon the lighting, of course, it must be muted, for what we suggest to consider the nightlight. But we are talking about the holiday, and therefore at least for the New Year's Day, look at the night light in the form of a disco ball, which in the last few months has become incredibly popular. It will not require high costs of electricity, and the effect of overflows if not lifting, it will certainly improve the mood and remind you that the new year remains a little more than a week.

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