I died. In a dream


Sleep images can sometimes be shocking. It is better not to turn away from them. Perhaps this is the most valuable information from our subconscious.

And in order to make your message with a clearer and intelligible, the subconscious displays the real dramas in front of us: dying and farewell.

Do not treat it as a gloomy prophecy.

Let's look together into a similar dream of one of our readers:

"I see myself during the funeral procession, and my funeral. People carry on the cemetery my coffin, and I know that living. But for some reason I do not move, I'm not saying anything, just watching people looking for a suitable place for the grave. I'm not scary, even a little curious, how will they solve this question.

After some time, they came to the pond in the midst of the cemetery with muddy water and decided to drown me in this pond, saying that the water is too cloud and will not be visible.

I throw me into the water, but for some reason my body is not sinking, then several people get into the water and try to sink me, but my body still remains afloat. Gradually, they notice that the water in the pond is becoming more transparent, and the pond grows. Gradually, the water remains on the knee, completely transparent. Everyone get out of the water with the words that "it is impossible to hide it."

Sleep at first glance may seem frightening, because the dream has seen his own death and funeral. Now let's go to sleep analysis through several interesting characters.

First, she knows that it is not dead, although all scenery of sleep testify to the opposite: it is born, the cemetery and procession.

Most likely, at this stage of life, our heroin is still a knowledge of others, even passive to argue or declare themselves.

Secondly, she is trying to hide in a dirty pond. We have already told the speakers with permanent readers that the water most often illustrates the sphere of feelings and experiences in a dream. So our heroine is going to drown in a dirty pond, i.e. in some "dirty", muddy feelings.

The third image is the fact that her body is not sinking even with the help of other people. Perhaps it means that it is already able to keep "afloat" and do not dive into the outer of experiences. By the way, many people believe that their feelings are the main thing that is in their soul. Indeed, the feelings are easy to hide: offended and inactive, angry and giving away, instead of rapprochement. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to cope with feelings and return to your business, and more importantly - to loved ones.

Feelings are only part of our experiences, and not always need to be guided by them. As, for example, if you are offended, it does not mean that now your loved ones should somehow return you a good mood and reaplish your guilt. This can be said, but many people behave as if their feelings are a signal to action not only for them, but also for their surroundings. Many of us were observed or were participants of such "drams", which is actually manipulations, i.e., using other people with a view to personal gain.

Let's go back to sleep. The fourth image is the clarification of muddy water and the pond housing.

Probably sleep showed her that now her feelings are transparent, and even despite the fact that it is passive, it is impossible to ignore it, hide, not to notice and neglect.

Sleep indicates personal strength that is still sleeping, but is definitely present.

Heroine can be recommended more closely to their dreams and disassemble what nature it is its strength, and how can it be used.

What are your dreams talking about? Send your stories to the post: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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