Reboot: Weekend alone with them


In the series of duplicate days, when with half-closed eyes, you cook the family breakfast, then escort the children in the garden and school, work and perform your homework, the whole passion for life disappears. It seems that you are drunk protein in the wheel, whereas others do that they are resting at the resorts and go shopping. That's just the truth that the reason for your dissatisfaction is you herself who has learned to love. We bring up this useful habit of re-conducted by the weekend.

We go to the doctor

Sharing the bore and remember about medicine. Often the reason for constant fatigue, apathy and irritability lies in a hormonal violation. Check out the gynecologist and endocrinologist to be confident in the boys. Even better - to go to a session to a psychologist and consult about antidepressants. If the doctor detects a temporary failure or even a serious illness, do not be discouraged. Thank you for consciousness and doctor for the timely discovered health problems in a timely manner. After treatment, you will live at times easier.

Do not be afraid of a visit to the doctor

Do not be afraid of a visit to the doctor

I am glad yourself

Remember how many times you refused to buy a new dress or go to the manicure, just to give as much child as possible - a new toy, hike in the zoo or sweets. Now stay as a child for yourself - the one who needs to be careful to whom to indulge and protect. Allow dinner in your favorite cafe, hike on shopping or a small vacation at sea. Psychologists call it a date with themselves and advise him to spend it no less than once a month.

Record the positive moments of the day in the notebook

Record the positive moments of the day in the notebook

Cognizes thought

When a person is in order of all spheres of life - from love to a career - he wants to fly. Try to collect together the good moments in the last year and enter the rule: to record three "thanks" every day in a notebook. Thank you, loved ones, colleagues and random passers-by for the good cases that they have done for you and the world around you. Such an exercise helps to adjust the focus to good moments and understand that life is beautiful.

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