Piercing: 5 for and against


Piercing is one of the main trends of the current Milleniela era. Being connoisseurs of uniqueness, your children and grandchildren will surely want to piercing and distinguish between peers. It imposes the reasons why people make punctures on their body and what consequences it can threaten.

Let's start with some minuses:


Symptoms of infection after a puncture needle can be sensitivity, redness, heat, fever and the formation of scars around the puncture. Infections are rarely deadly, but may cause irritation and pain in the damaged area. In any case, with a manifestation of at least one symptom, you need to urgently consult a doctor and identify the cause of bad well-being. To prevent the proliferation of the contagion, follow the rules prescribed by the Piercing Master: Process the wound with antibacterial solution and flush the excess moisture with a tampon, refrain from visiting the sauna and bathing in the pool, do not wear tight clothes until the point of puncture is heal.

Treat the wizard carefully

Treat the wizard carefully


If you do not go crazy and do not decide to puncture at home, the price of the piercing service varies from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. The more experienced master and the harder the puncture, the more you pay. Do not forget that, besides the puncture, you need to add the price of surgical steel earrings and decorations made of precious metal, as well as the required medicines. As a result, you can go beyond the limit of the expected price and it is unpleasant to surprise the number of money spent.


Piercing on the nipples area reduces their sensitivity, as well as piercing on the sexual lips will interfere during sex. Before deciding to puncture, appreciate everything and against. It is possible that your desire to impress partner will not correspond to the price of this decision. Do not be surprised when metal detectors will respond to a steel earring and you will have to demonstrate your accessory service. The piercing of the language can turn into inflammation of the oral cavity and disturbed by diction, and the puncture of the bridle is mixed with the front teeth. Carefully treat your health and do not risk in vain.

Let's move on to more interesting consequences of piercing: pros.


Piercing can be a great way to stand out from the crowd. Accessory coming to the style of clothing or an appropriate lifestyle, just rush to the eye when meeting a new acquaintance and leave the memory of you. If you consider yourself to the subculture, like Pankov or Emo (Hi, 2007!), Piercing will allow you to join the team faster and find new friends.

You will be unique with an elegant earrings.

You will be unique with an elegant earrings.


Unlike the tattoo, to remove which the laser is equal to the epic, the piercing will not deliver a lot of hassle. Tired of the earring? Buy a new one with a precious stone or an unusual shape to make a "highlight" in a casual image. As soon as you survive the transitional rebellion age, it is likely that the thrust for experiments will pass: remove the earring and smear the puncture of the cream from the scars. He must heal for 1-2 months.

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