Intimate rejuvenation: to whom and why it is necessary


"Intimate rejuvenation is the topic, of course, delicate, however, this does not mean that it is necessary to avoid it. On the contrary, every woman wants all her body to remain beautiful and attractive as long as possible, and the famous area is not an exception. What is easy and simple for young girls, after the birth of a child can become a significant problem. And if the children were three or more, and age already makes itself felt? Fortunately, modern cosmetology is able to solve women's problems in the most intimate places.

Unfortunately, the problem is not limited to an exclusively aesthetic side. With age or after childbirth, a woman can feel a general reduction in the sensitivity of genitals or vice versa - painful sensations during intimate intimacy, dryness, suffering difficulties when reached orgasm. To this can be added to the pigmentation of small sexual lips, reducing skin elasticity in the vagina region. All these factors can lead to dissatisfaction with the sexual life, loss of a woman's self-confidence and, as a result, possible family conflicts on this soil. Complicated childbirth can also cause urinary incontinence, which, to put it mildly, can deliver significant discomfort in ordinary life. Therefore, definitely, you should not neglect similar problems, especially since today there are simple and effective solutions. In some cases, in particular, after childbirth, surgery, however, there may be surgery for solving problems in the intimate area, however, there are also non-operative techniques that are able to cope with most tasks.

Injection techniques

When cosmetologists became interested in the topic of intimate rejuvenation, the successful experience of using injection techniques was originally used. Injectable zone is injected with hyaluronic acid-based preparations - an indispensable element of many invasive and non-invasive effects. Of course, modern drugs include other elements, for example, minerals and vitamins, but hyaluronic acid is the main component.

Hyaluronic acid is contained in the human body and provides normal humidity, and also participates in the synthesis of such important proteins as collagen and Ellastine. With their lack of skin loses elasticity and elasticity. Unfortunately, with age, hyaluronic acid ceases to be produced in the required amount, which leads to external manifestations of aging signs. These processes are characteristic of the entire body, including for an intimate zone.

The injection of the drug is carried out with the help of a syringe, under local anesthesia. At the same time, the place of exposure and introduced volumes depend on the goals set. It can be an improvement in the state of the mucous membrane, an increase in its moisturizing. Or correction of the shape or sizes of small and large sexes. With the introduction of the drug into the mucous membrane, its narrowing is achieved and a decrease in volume, which is relevant after delivery.

The recovery period after the procedure is 2-4 days, depending on the individual characteristics and nature of the problem. In the field of exposure, a small swelling can occur, which will be held during the day. At the time of recovery it is worth refraining from sexual proximity.

Like any other injection techniques, intimate rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid has a time limited effect, which is usually from six months to a year. In this case, injected hyaluronic acid, due to its natural origin, is gradually excreted from the body, without leaving side effects. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

How to do without chop

Hardware cosmetology comes to the residue, namely, the impact of the laser. Of course, not all problems can be solved in this way, in some cases injection techniques will be preferable. Through a laser, you can adjust the shape of small and large germ lips, remove scars, possible after delivery, scars, restore the normal state of the mucosa. Laser impact leads to the development of collagen and the launch of natural regeneration processes in the tissues, the muscle tone is restored.

The procedure is painless, in some cases it is not even required to use anesthesia. By time it takes from 15 to 60 minutes, while only one session is often enough. The recovery period usually takes 5-7 days. At this time, a small swelling can be observed and redness. The effect of the procedure is noticeable for several years - the duration depends on many factors, in particular, from the age of a woman or from the past birth.

As with any cosmetology procedures, there are certain contraindications for intimate rejuvenation, which relate to equally to injection and laser techniques. Of course, this is a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, an obstacle will be inflammation or irritation in the field of exposure, as well as infectious diseases. All possible contraindications, as well as the choice of a specific methodology, must be consulted with a specialist. "

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