Flördrange - Constant Brides Satellite


Flördrange has long been associated with purity and impossible - largely due to a beautiful ancient Greek legend. On the eve of the wedding of Zeus as a gift to the future wife, the hero of magnificent orange gardens. Being a woman intelligent and very inspired, she managed to extract well-beneficial benefit from this present. Knowing the difficult character of the thumbnail and his special passion for the beauties, Gera quite naturally suggested that it would be difficult to keep such a loving spouse. Nevertheless, the main goddess of Olympus managed to extend his wedding night ... Already at three hundred years! Her secret weapons just became Flearder. Every day, Gera arranged ablutions in an orange grove and inhaled the aroma of blossomed flowers, thereby returning his virginity.

However, the legend is the legend. If a man could be held alone alone! .. Nevertheless, for many centuries, orange flowers became a constant bride satellite. They were added to bouquets, pinched to the veil and hair and even prepared from them all sorts of advantageous drugs. It was believed that if the girl puts on a wreath of Flearder, then the marriage will be successful and there will be many children in the family. The right to wear such an accessory had only the one who marries the first time. Going to the altar replaced the flare on the valley, roses or any other flowers. By the way, the fashion of the bride on this attribute introduced the English Queen Victoria. It is thanks to her that the divergent outfit began to sew out of snow-white fabric and decorate it with flowers in the tone of the dress. Since then, a lot of water has flowed, and the real flare is most often replaced by artificial at weddings.

However, Slary Flearfonge is not only the beauty of fragile white colors exacerating a sweet blurry smell. Their whites contain essential oil, which is also called neuroli. In aromatherapy, it is considered to be the strongest aphrodisiac - it can be enjoyed to affect the love attraction. By the way, the court ladies of all European courtyards were skillfully used in the XVII century. With the filing of Anna Maria Orsini, the princess of the nervy, they sprayed with oil gloves, underwear and hair to attract cavaliers and (not excluded!) In order to drown out the characteristic ambit, emanating from the unwashed body. You understand yourself, in those days the water procedures were limited at best, wiping the face and hand with a wet towel. As a result, thanks to Anna Mary, the essential oil of orange was in fashion.

In modern aromatherapy, this is one of the most popular and expensive ingredients. To get just one liter of neroli, you need to collect a ton of colors. In addition to the fact that the oil really strengthens your attractiveness for the opposite floor, it is used and as an antidepressant, as it helps to cope with stress and even improves sleep. Neroli can be found as part of many cosmetics - creams, serums, masks - which have a soothing effect on the skin prone to irritation. As for perfume art, it is difficult to imagine at least one floral fragrance without Flederda. With his dormitory sweetness reminding Jasmine, he is much more taper compared to him. Flowers oranges give sensuality spirits. But if you decide to attract the cavaller you like not with the help of perfume, and, according to the example of the princess, the nervy will use for these purposes the essential oil of the nervy, see do not overdo it. It is better to mix it with almond oil, because in pure form it has too sharp odor.

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