Vladimir Yaglych: "If you treat everything with humor, you can forget about stress


- Judging by the tan, you managed to relax. Do you often have this?

- Infrequently. Here is this trip - apparently, the only time in a year, when I managed to rest. In winter, it is easier for this, since our work is closely related to the autumn-spring season. Not so often we remove nature in the winter. I would like to relax more often, but unfortunately until it turns out.

- When you appear in secular events, you can evaluate your style. Who follows your image?

- I am dressing. I bought points in Bangkok, where there was a passage on a docking flight, for 300 baht - it is 600 rubles. Gorgeous, it seems to me, came in handy today. Where does this feel of style come from? I do not know. Perhaps childhood, and perhaps beautiful lessons of art. You appear at the party, while creating some kind of image. Well, I think you do not need to overdo it. Sometimes at the festivals you see some shameful suit from the curtain, just the parade of freaks. Well, it is also impossible, in the end! Of course, it is not necessary to show off, just come to the right place in proper clothes.

Motorcycles - a long-standing hobby, to which the actor does not change

Motorcycles - a long-standing hobby, to which the actor does not change

Photo: Instagram.com.

- In the new series you played a pilot, which among other things has a good sense of humor. How are you with this?

- The sense of humor leads me in life. Often, the modern society of his in me, unfortunately, is quenching, but I still return to this, I think that if you treat everything with humor, then in principle you can forget about stress.

- It is no secret that you were fond of motorcycles. Didn't it take a hobby?

- No, of course, I continue, this is part of my life. Just at some point the conversations on this topic are somewhat tired of me and I'm just tired of talking about the motorcycles. Yes, I have several of them, I love them, they love me. But now, in winter, I, of course, do not go to them.

- Do you consider yourself a man who is often lucky?

- It depends on what to be lucky. In the lottery I have never won.

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