Million image: Four Makeup Options for New Year's Eve


So, we went to the finish line! Strange, heavy, alarming 2020 comes to an end, and soon we will celebrate the main holiday for many - the new year. If you have not yet captured the magical anticipation of a miracle and you cannot fully relax and exhale - it's time to remember how the mood of a woman raised themselves during the time of the Great Depression. With the help of bright makeup!

Psychologists assure us: the time we dedicate to care for ourselves pays for a hundredfold. It may seem to us that we just do the usual actions, routine, daily. Morning wash, shower before bedtime, makeup on the ambulance hand - what is special in them? But besides the fact that we thus care about our physical well-being, we also "work" with mental problems. Have you never noticed that perfect makebers or stylish styling are able to raise your mood in the blink?

So even if you do not like to celebrate the new year with a scope and plan to spend the night on January 1 at home, under the plaid, alone with your favorite TV series, our material will be useful to you. Let's proceed?

Creative thinking

So, the festive marathon will begin soon, and you have no strength, nor the time, nor the desire to dress up and enjoy. First of all, you need to admit it. You are not alone! According to statistics, more than seventy percent of the respondents are recognized that it is in December "breaking", to hurt, feel physical and psychological fatigue. The main thing is not to bring yourself to the state of Angedonia, that is, the inability to experience joy and pleasure even from your loved ones. Therefore, take a rule through "I can not" and "I do not want" to put yourself in order. It is not necessary to do it yourself: the express manicure in the cabin near the house or the eyebrow correction from the proven master helps to relax and exhale no worse (and often better) than home manipulations. By the way, about them. Contrast shower, light self-massage, a pair of crawling puffs and a brush, careful demaciage and moisturizing mask after - here is a simple algorithm of actions that will keep you "afloat" even in the most busy days.

Start the preparation for New Year's Eve now. First of all, decide in the way. We remind you: it doesn't matter where you will meet 2021! The fact that you are planning to stay at home or "move" for the city to relatives is not a reason to ignore the bright, spectacular makeup. We will paint for yourself to create your own mood to feel the atmosphere of the holiday, and if it seems to you that scarlet lips or long arrows will be appropriate (wherever you go to) - it means so to be!

After you understand that the make of the makeup will create, spend a revision in the cosmetic. To run on shopping, in which half the city will certainly be crowded, is not the most successful idea, so buy the missing cosmetics in advance.

If there is a desire and mood, arrange your bachelorette, during which you can propose and create a test makeup. Such workouts are a great way to finally decide what you will do, experiment with colors and check the resulting result for resistance. Well, now - to the images themselves!

Fatal attraction

Do you feel that the approaching holiday want to meet in the image of canonical beauty? Here are two simple, but spectacular New Year's options.

Let's start with makeup with arrows. What only the variations and interpretations are neither worried - in fashion there were colored, and geometric, and intermittent, but we always return to the classic - black thin lines stretched to the temple visually extensive eyes, pulling it to ideal almondual form.

Immediately alleged: despite all his versatility, the canonical arrows are not going to everyone. For example, the holders of large, convexed eyes without a hint of the delay rate they will turn into the heroine of the old, but the popular TV series "Clone." Girls with widespread eyes emphasize their feature. But the ladies with the authorities, with little eyes, with lowered corners such makeup is able to truly transform.

So, we start with creating a smooth tone. Our motto is amereering and patience! The primer is applied to your familiar face cream, then we work with a consilet, with a brush or fingertips erase redness, pimples or wrinkles. Finally, we impose tone. If you have a long night, choose persistent and dense tools, if you know that your makeup will need to hold out for two or three hours, you can do light fluids and weightless essences.

After the eyebrow was laid, proceed to the creation of the main accent - in fact, the arrows. Apply a special primer for a century for a disturbative zone: it guarantees your focus. Choose aider, with whom you used to work. The simplest in circulation is the felt-tip pen. But even if you do not go with her even lines, try working with a stencil! Moreover, you do not need to buy special, some use for these purposes ... Malar tape. As for the form, now in the course of long, thin lines that start from the middle of the century. No special thickens (especially girls with close-up), otherwise instead of an elegant arrows risk getting a heavy "caterpillar". No need to "twist" the tip of the arrow: our goal is to create a classic image, a line that continues the eyelid, and does not lead it to his forehead. It is not worth the eyes at the bottom of the century, it will visually reduce them, can look tired. Choose twisted or bulk mascara. A little neutral blush, transparent lip gloss, low bundle with a couple of strands released, and you are great!

An excellent alternative to arrows will be a make with an emphasis on the lips. The so-called vampire chic is dark lips, porcelain leather and almost complete absence of cosmetics in front. The preparatory stage is the same as for the image above. Be sure to apply a favorite moisturizing cream, because the more metering skin, the smaller there is a tone, the longer holds. We pay special attention to the zones around the lips, under the eyes, next to the wings of the nose - usually they are easiest than all blush, they flake, thin, and it is here that the color correction is needed.

Before applying lipsticks, it is easy to massate the lips with a sugar-honey scrub (such just to cook at home). Pass the pencil tone to the tone, draw the contour with clear movements. Do not go beyond the borders trying to create a volume. Then start "Fill" the outlined border with color. We advise you to choose lipstick or high-graded shine and tints with matte or velvet finish. Glossy makeup takes us away from the image of Lady Vamp, moreover, brilliant textures usually do not boast the same resistance that matte.

Pastel scenes

Bright eyes, as bright lips ... Many use the image of the fatal spectacular beauty every day, and therefore in the New Year, they want something different, easier, fresh, simple, playful. If you are bored with sex arrows or dark lips, try trend and unusual watercolor makeup. Our goal is to create a pastel, blurring picture without clear boundaries. Watercolor feature - in the ability to "stretch" in color, creating smooth transitions, merging into shades and tones that dissolve in each other without precise contours. You can create this effect both on centuries and on lips, use both one color and two or more. The most important thing is to choose a gentle, muted gamut and pick up the "working" product. Someone uses classic pressed shadows for the age, applying them with a small flat tassel (it is so very convenient to carry out a decisive). Someone prefers cream funds that are most convenient to apply and mix fingers. Important moment: Before creating such an image, it is worth practicing. You have to choose a combination of shades or the main color, application scheme. Only the top eyelid? Only the bottom? Both? On the movable part, on the podper? Closer to the temple? Without a preliminary "rehearsal", the answer to all these questions will not work.

Do not want to learn to mix shadows, worse to work with a tassel, work out the shades transitions? We are tired so that you can't think about the festive make-up (while I want a holiday)? Glitters and sparkles will save you. We remember how to create an ideal tone - we use the same algorithm described above. In the final, add a wet gloss on the back of the nose, cheekbones and the chin center with special gels to create the effect of just a washfront. On the same gel, applied forever, cheekbones, under the eyelids (here, like someone with a fantasy), with the help of fingers or brushes we impose crumbly sparkles. If your water-based glitter, he will also "stick" anywhere, but then it will certainly shock, so it is worth putting it on the gel base. A drop of shine on the lips, hair into a negligent high beam - and you are ready to shine in a straight and figurative sense.

Makeup for many is the best antidepressant. Experimenting, risking, exploring new products and palettes, we fantasize how we could be, we go beyond the usual, we accept ourselves anyone. Let me in the new year you will have more time and effort to please yourself with bold and extravagant images.

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