Decipher the composition: useless cosmetics ingredients


When we buy a face mask or hair balm, then the first thing that pay attention is the price and composition of the means. It seems to us that the more natural ingredients in it will be indicated, the better the cosmetics will work on our skin. It is a pity that in reality the concentration of most components of the composition is negligible to render at least some noticeable effect on your beauty.

Turn to the law

The rules for writing the composition of the funds are governed by Article 6 Tr Ts 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumery-cosmetic products". True, the law does not specify in the law, in which the ingredients should be specified - the restrictions concern only the requirements to make the composition readable, indicate the date of manufacture and the shelf life of the product, so on. According to the experience of European colleagues, our technologists are developing and prescribed composition descending. Ingredients, the content of which is less than 1%, are prescribed in order at the request of the manufacturer. Few people know about this trick, so the manufacturer is trying to indicate the most expensive raw material. It is a pity that the composition does not indicate the concentration of extracts and oils to determine how much it makes sense to overpay for their content.

Technologists develop the composition for a long time

Technologists develop the composition for a long time

Carefully read the composition

Words "Water with Infusions of ...", chemical suffixes like -xyl, -ol, -id and others - all this indicates the non-trial composition. If you do not understand the safety of cosmetic ingredients, we advise you to buy funds with the composition in Russian - usually the domestic firms producing natural cosmetics are written. The incomprehensible names of plants in Latin without deciphering, abbreviations and numbers should alert you: the manufacturer clearly wants to hide poor-quality raw materials under the guise of a variety of composition.

Neutral ingredients

We have repeatedly dispelled myths about the dangers of silicones, glycerin and sulfates, explaining that these components themselves do not have actions on the skin and hair, but are a "conductor". They form a thin breathable film on the surface, under which active ingredients act. At the same time, the presence of more than five chemical ingredients is clearly indicative about the unscrupulousness of the manufacturer, which decided to save money on oils and vitamins, replacing them with foaming sulfates.

On the Internet you can find many sites of environmental organizations and blogs of chemists in which they disassemble funds. Below, read about the benefits of five popular cosmetics ingredients:

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