10 myths about the career: how to realize yourself and find the perfect career


On the book counters and on the Internet there were many books and articles on how cool to throw the boning service and go to Thailand - to open yoga studio. Or take and change the scope of activity: from an economist to turn into a stylist, from an accountant in a designer, and from a boring manager in lead weddings. But no one talks about how often such solutions were unsuccessful. Which is not at all and not always need to change the profession. That in the work "On Uncle" there is nothing shameful. In fact, the career is not necessarily a business or a senior position in the company. Throw everything and go to freeze bread - not always a good solution. Arabota until the seventh sweat has not yet brought happiness and wealth. Now about it - in more detail.

Zhanna Lurie, career marketer

Zhanna Lurie, career marketer

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Myth 1. Work, like a horse - success is guaranteed.

Best of all, this myth reveals the anecdote: "The horse plowed most of all in the collective farm, but did not become the chairman."

In order to achieve career heights, it is not at all definitively to sculpt, listen and sit down the pants at the workplace from nine to nine. To take on all projects in a row, rushing to the ambrusura for any reason - not at all the steps towards the desired post. Your task is to do exactly as much as you demand from you. And to ensure that you have enough work time for professional duties. Processing is a direct and fast way to burn apart.

It is worth increasing its efficiency and productivity at the expense of unique knowledge and competencies. The more your contribution to the end result of the project or participation in increasing the share of the company's profits, the more efficient your work. And how much you spent time on it, the manager is still. They pay you no clock, but for the results of your work.

Myth 2. Frequent change of work is bad.

A frequent change of work in the Soviet Union was not welcomed. Those who have rushed from place to place, called flyers. The party, society and family treated them suspiciously. People who worked for decades in one enterprise, fearing to change the place of service that not to undergo obstruction from close and colleagues. Today, to wait for pensions in the same company is considered a moveton. Employer, if it is a normal person, assesses primarily not working experience in the specialty, and the competences and projects in which you participated. For him, it is important which "pain" of the company you are able to close whether to increase the total profit, to promote the seizure of market share, etc. The completed workbook is a clear sign that you do not suffer stagnation and strive for the development that these days when The situation in the world and the labor market is changing lightning, very useful qualities.

Myth 3. Career is a vertical growth.

In the generally accepted understanding, career is the movement up the service staircase in the company's corporate hierarchy. This classical definition is assumed to be almost the only correct vector vector. In fact, the career happens three types: vertical, horizontal and entrepreneurial. For the development of each of them, a unique set of personal and professional qualities is needed, individual motivation.

Vertical career is a career growth from a specialist to the head, where administrative and managerial skills play a greater extent. But not everyone wants to take a manager's chair, to have in subordination of other people and bear responsibility for them.

Horizontal career - expert. Here the person pumps the skills, expands the functionality, increasing the examination according to a certain topic and becomes a narrow-profile specialist of the highest level.

If you are not ready to be a cog in a large corporate mechanism, and there is a desire and the ability to realize creative and business potential, then you can build a business career. It is only important not to do this sharply by throwing the service. The idea may not shoot, and you will stay without work and money. Take the soil, earn the usual way, calculate what you will do if the business "will not go." You may have an excellent creative, but not a businessman. Then look for a person who knew how to make money on the idea. And always remember the history of the Scrooge Makdaka, who told how the apple found, washed him and sold it, earning the dollar at the same time. And then his uncle died and left a huge inheritance ...

Entrepreneurship is the most difficult path of personal and professional implementation in society.

Entrepreneurship is the most difficult path of personal and professional implementation in society.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Myth 4. Ideal work is a hobby.

On the Internet, from TV screens and business meetings, they talk about the importance of finding themselves and the work of their dreams. Trend of modernity: the ideal work that was formed from the hobby. But is it?

For example, you love the stove of pies, knit for children or collect wooden models. This does not mean that you will earn this money that will cover financial requests.

Lack of communication with reality - Beach of a modern person. It is based on information noise and all kinds of courses on which they sell happiness and success. However, it's time to descend from heaven to Earth. Ideal work is this work that brings an acceptable financial remuneration, mental satisfaction and professional self-realization. It is not always worth looking for a dream job (yes, and is it?). As a rule, it is enough to find the growth zones, put the goals that meet real, and not fantasy conditions, and move towards them.

Myth 5. The main thing is to want!

Another trend of modernity is to work for yourself, become self-employed, realize the dream!

You can achieve everything about what you dream if you really want it. This populist motivational nonsense is lit by all digital and print space. Only to him never make detailed instructions on how to make money on the apartment for three months, opening a cafe in the city center. Its business is the main criterion of a modern successful person. For a beautiful picture, financial problems can be hidden, sleep deprivation, work without holidays, and necessarily - sources of financing of business, which are not considered to speak. Speak quotes that if you have not achieved something, it means not very much and wanted, are just postcards that rep to social networks. To reality, they have nothing to do. Business "on the knee", without a clear plan, cash resources, on the basis of a dream alone - this is a failure. Therefore, if you work in a good company, do not go on the fashion psychologists and business coaches, look for perspectives and opportunities in the structure where you already work successfully.

Myth 6. To achieve career heights, you need to say goodbye to personal happiness.

Examples of many famous people, businessmen and actors refute this theory. No one needs to say goodbye. You just need to be able to put personal, career or business goals, develop a plan for their achievement, express priorities and effectively manage your time. Today, a person has all the opportunities to quietly care to thirty and more, and then think about the family - no one say nonsense about "ticking hours". Well, except grandma. But it's even nice, right? And, of course, happiness is not in work, and not in successful marriage. It is just inside.

Myth 7. "Through bed" you can take a good position.

To take it in this way, of course, it is possible why not. But it is also necessary to keep in this position. That is, to demonstrate professionalism and other useful qualities against the background of the snake whisper behind the back. In general, there is nothing bad in the protigeration, if the person recommended for this or that position is really competent. It even saves the company time and money that would be spent on an employee "With Street", which is always - a cat in a bag. If the protege does not correspond to professional criteria, then in the cherished chair, it will last smoothly before those who are near his benefactor. Such a conclusion: Create and appreciate the need for self-repayment, getting to a good position through recruiting sites is almost unrealistic. But do not forget about the competence.

Myth 8. Personal brand is not needed if it comes to career.

It is believed that the work in the company deples the employee. He is a screw in the system. In fact, to become a brand employee and working "on Uncle". Of course, the self-sufficient will be required for a while. But today there are social networks, where you can lead a page and share professional lifehams. Photographers and stylists who will help with good photos for business history. Colleagues with whom you can carry out useful marathons. It is important to be careful about the company in which you work. Before clicking "Publish Post", think, suddenly you can harm her. Remember that you are the face of the company, which means there are also taboo themes, for example, religion, sex, politics that are better not to affect blogs.

Myth 9. I'm still ahead.

We always seem like that, while in the forty years it suddenly does not turn out that half of life - by shoulders. Moreover, suspicions are being custled that it was its best half. Hi middle-aged depression, which only deprives forces and desire to move on. It is worth understanding that there is no "ahead" there is only here and now. Time is our main resource. Only now you can stop waiting for a convenient point and accomplish another step through the career ladder. Only now you are able to become not just an employee, but a cool and reliable specialist who will gladly take any company to work.

Myth 10. It is better to have his little "candle breeding" than working on "Uncle".

Let's be honest: entrepreneurs may not be all. This cultivated image is not so attractive, as it is sold to us through different stories of success. True completely different: Entrepreneurship is the most difficult path of personal and professional implementation in society. And work on the "uncle" is not so bad if the "uncle" pays good salary.

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