Who is a new generation woman: 10 laws that should not be forgotten


To date, all conditions have been created in the world so that people come to a new stage in the development of humanity, to the level of awareness of themselves in this life. Responsibility for the development of intuitive abilities is assigned to a woman, it is in it that the potential of power is to "hear the world".

Men are also able to develop intuitive thinking, but by their nature it is harder.

Women's and men's intuition are different. Female develops thanks to female energies, male - male. Two these energies live in a man and a woman, it is important to keep them in the balance sheet relative to the gender.

With the emergence of the feminist movement, women unconsciously began to develop male energy in themselves. Therefore, there was an imbalance in the world - the society of "strong" women and the "weak" men appeared.



It's time to bring women-male energies to balance and this task under the power of a new generation woman. Let's consider the qualities that will help us become it.

• A new generation woman has spherical thinking

Spherical thinking is the perception of information from various sources of spheres. Use an intuitive vision and draw knowledge from various sources, connect them into the sphere of your own vision and take spherical solutions. Solutions of one task may be set. With spherical thinking you will have a comprehensive option!

• She knows about his uniqueness

A new generation woman knows about his unique value. She knows where and how to move. In this she helps an intuitive vision.

• she believes

Vera is directly related to human confidence. Therefore, develop confidence in yourself and love yourself.

• She has a female rod

Women's rod is a developed faith and intuition. Intuition is a human biofol authority who is able to manage his life and create all the conditions for a happy life, provided that the author is "clean" - negative emotions are not stored. This is important, because the woman is an intuitive center of the pair.

• knows which man she needs

A new generation woman, thanks to an intuitive vision, understands who exactly needs it.

• She hurts the laws of the universe

The laws of the universe are directed and covered the path, so the new generation woman uses them. Recall them:

Δ law first: subconscious strength

Believe me because of your abilities to manage your life, thanks to your subconscious.

Δ law second: all good begins with love for the world

Through true love for yourself we are able to give love to the world

Δ law Three: Where attention, there is energy

A sphere that requires development, feeds on the energy of your attention.

Δ law fourth: the strength of your environment

Successful and positive environment will give you strength.

Δ Law Fifth: What we have, then you will get

Conscious your thoughts. Feelings and programs. This will allow you to realize to manage your life.

Δ Law of the Six: Doubts - the root of all problems

Do not let fear manage your life.

Δ Seventh law: each unique

Believe in yourself, because each is unique.

Δ Eighth Law: the implementation of each idea is required

Everything has its time. And if you found your way, go on it with confidence in the world.

Δ law ninth: overcoming obstacles in life, we gain valuable experience

Treat negative experience with gratitude and remove lessons.

Δ Law Tenth: The Peace System is a living organism and he also lives life cycles and develops

Develop according to the development of the system of the world in which you are part of it and it is important to tune in to a harmonious movement and be at one frequency of vibrations.

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