I see so: why creative personalities are rarely soldered with the team


In one working team, there may be many personalities that do not coincide in the mentality, character, looks for life, etc., but most of all misunderstanding arises in the team, where there are at least one non-standard thinking person. Creative personalities are rarely able to work in a team, especially if the work itself is not too creative. Why are they so different? Find out together.

Slower please

An interesting fact: the brain of a creative person works on a quarter faster than an ordinary person, which explains the frequent misunderstanding from the colleagues, comes to an open hostility. As a rule, a creative person does not live in the rhythm of most people, which can create great problems for him if he decides to start living according to the schedule of a standard company. Such a person is difficult to grab in one task, they are rarely concentrated on something one, trying to cover several working moments at once, which ultimately leads to delays and even greater annoyance from colleagues. Hurry up for creative brain is not so easy.

It is easy to work in the team

It is easy to work in the team

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

By itself

Many, if not most, creative personalities are introverts. This does not mean that they cannot work surrounded by people, but they need time alone with them, since, as opposed to extroverts, the introverts produce energy themselves, and do not recharge the surrounding. Ideally, if such a person works remotely or working at all over the project independently, but it is rare, and therefore colleagues are often annoyed when they cannot pay attention from the employee's replenishment, trying to make it work in accordance with the schedule.

I do not understand

Some feature of a creative person can be called inability to formulate thoughts so that the course of thought is understood. It is easier for him to do something else than to explain to his colleague to the tenth time, how to change the project. That is why among the leaders it is rare to meet the true Creator - as a rule, they are good workers without claims to leadership. For colleagues, such a feature may be a real problem. If the creative colleague stands at the head of the project.

Eternal child

Another feature of the creative brain can be considered to maintain an internal child regardless of age. This quality helps to think wider and make decisions that others may seem absurd, but they are as a result. To consult such a person to grow pointless - this is his essence that is impossible to change, in addition, the development of a children's view on the world helps to make some great things.

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