What will be in the trend in the coming season


Many designers continue to go that expensive chosen in previous seasons. Therefore, it is not necessary to fully change your wardrobe. Much more important, as practice shows, learn to mix what has recently seemed absolutely incompatible. And do not be afraid of the most bold experiments!


Our tassel

The fringe traditionally enjoys love with designers. And in the coming season it is not just a lot, but a lot. In some models, it becomes an independent element at all. It concerns both clothes and accessories.


Nostalgia for the past

Probably, the young generation will be difficult to explain why their parents "cooked" jeans. However, it seems that modern fashionists and fashionista will gladly be asleep fashionable in the present season "Varek". Nostalging in the eightieth!


Detachment stems

Another trend that seems to go to us straight from the past - small bags on the belt. Once in the perestroika times, they were introduced into the use of "Clauses" and merchants in the markets. Well, now the designers remembered about them. And we do not mind: After all, it is necessary to put the phone somewhere and your favorite lipstick.


From under Friday Saturday

I remember, before, if suddenly, from under the sweater, the blouse was taught, and the shirt was poorly refilled in the trousers, the phrase "from under Friday heepats the Saturday" you could have been treated as a person inaccier. Now, such a multi-layerness is the main trend of the season. The most incredible options are welcome - for example, men's pants under light air dress.


Rubaha guy

Carelessly pinned on his shoulders or waist shirt can well become an independent accessory. So we are advised by many fashion houses. In their interpretation of the sleeves, the shirt or sweaters will completely come over the belt or scarf.


Museum values

Prints always enjoyed love with designers. Well, now they are not at all moving away from museums directly on raincoats, jackets and pants. Marilyn Monroe in the style of Andy Warhol, heroes from comic, dollar appliances or just a bright sunny sunset - the choice of what can be revived even the casual outfit, impressive.


Plastic fiction

Even the most conservative fashion houses drew attention to the industrial plastic. We accept, sometimes it looks sufficiently shocking. Of course, if you lack courage to go outside in a translucent dress from the oilcloth, then you can simply afford the accessory - a bag or a cling, everything depends on preferences.

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