Are there sex in a big city


The lifestyle of a modern woman is limitless opportunities for personal and professional development. Today, the beautiful Paul has governing posts in large companies and opens its own business. Many business women spend more time at work than at home, and about free time is worth only to dream.

In such a harsh mode, the work-house-work, any person gradually burns out. One of the first signs of overload and chronic fatigue becomes a violation of one of the most fragile psycho-physiological systems - libido. At first it may seem unpleasant, but harmless symptom. However, sexual desire is an integral part of a healthy person, and its sharp decline clearly flashes that something is not as follows.

So how can the modern woman return sexual energy and desire? A psychologist-sexologist will answer this question, a member of the Russian scientific sexology society Anna Kothenyova. The expert gives several efficient and simple tips to help not only return the libido, but also strengthen the total tone.

1. Time for yourself

Fatigue is a common cause of low libido. Women want to have everything - and make a career, and take care of the family, look good, to lose weight, etc. It takes a lot of time and energy, so there is no one left for sex. This is especially true for young mothers and women whose work is associated with severe emotional load or serious liability. For the first feather, it becomes possible to rest, meet with friends and do something for yourself. The second leaves late in the evening from work, "squeezed as lemon", and think: about reports, as if to have fun on fitness, to the store, etc. They do not think about sex. And when they come home, you prefer sex dreams.

The rhythm of our lives is constantly accelerated, and modern women simply lack strength and energy for sex. Women are experiencing that the decline in sexual attraction due to fatigue can spoil the quality of sex and relationship with the partner. If you feel constant fatigue, lethargy - I advise you to rest more often. Find in your schedule time: reading books, sports, spa treatments - everything will be suitable for allowing you to be alone with you and your thoughts.

If the woman is tired, then she will prefer sleep

If the woman is tired, then she will prefer sleep


2. Tell the partner that you like, and what - no

Lack of orgasm and general dissatisfaction with sex reduces the desire to deal with. The outcome of continuous dissatisfaction is obvious: if we do not receive pleasure from sex, why should we want it?!

According to numerous studies of satisfaction with sex, about a third of women almost never experienced orgasm. Statistics sad. However, do not forget that there is an orgasm vaginal and clothic. At the first complex recipe: the prelude, certain rhythms and movements, the mood of the woman, the phase of the menstrual cycle and many more factors. The second is available to the majority and is not at all inferior to the first in its feelings. There is absolutely no reason to chase myths about vaginal orgasm. The main thing is that it is necessary is the formation of a healthy and harmonious range of admissibility in a pair.

Trust the partner, tell us what you like, and what is not. It is sometimes easier to show actions than to describe words. We are easily achieved by clothic orgasm with self-imaging, but it does not always happen to the partner. So why not explain to him?! Show equipment: How long, with what force and intensity you need to stimulate. Believe me, it is better to decide once and explained than to suffer all my life.

3. Observe the principles of a healthy lifestyle

For the prevention of the Reduction of Libido, comply with the principles of a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits. Engage in sports - physical activity increases the tone and mood. Pour, because sleep is of great importance for good well-being. Pay special attention to the nutrition: Eat more often, but small portions, give preference to natural products.

Some foods can fill the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full sex life. Pumpkin seeds, cedar nuts and meat contain L-arginine. The source of picnogenol is chocolate and grapes. Bean, peanuts, fish and cucumbers contain citrulin, which is widely used by athletes to improve blood circulation and increasing the tone. You can choose pharmacy vegetable additives with the same components.

It is better to decide once and explained than to suffer all life

It is better to decide once and explained than to suffer all life


4. Manage Stress

Stress kills sexuality three times: on the physiological, emotional and social levels. The body increases the number of cortisol, hormone of fear and stress, and with constant stress, the hormone level remains steadily high. Such an "overdose" cortisole leads to a violation of the production of genital hormones, a decrease in libido, and sometimes infertility.

To eliminate this psychological problem, set its cause. If you can not clearly formulate - take the leaves and write down, do not hurry. Analysis of the reasons will help them cope with them. Change of the situation, communication with relatives and friends, the hobby will help to cope with stress. Do not copy experiences. If you can not cope with stress yourself - consult a psychologist. With heavy and protracted stress it is not easy. Often, experts who prescribe treatment individually are connected to solving the problem.

5. Take the time to health

In the mad rhythm of modern life, we do not have time to pay the time to the most important - health. Hormonal failures and diseases of the female sexual system are common causes of reduced sexual attraction.

When aggravating Colpitis, it is impossible to experience despilation, because the disease turns sex into real torments. Pain and itching, which arise during the thrush, are forced to forget about many things, including about sex. The inflamed mucosa is so annoyed, and sex will only aggravate the situation - burning, itching, and even pain.

Low libido, irregular cycle, drowsiness and lethargy or, on the contrary, aggressiveness - symptoms of changes in the level of hormones in the body. If you discovered the symptoms of hormonal failure, then first of all it should be found out its cause. The hormonal background is influenced by many factors: stress, bad habits, lack of sleep, hard diets, etc. Think what could be the cause of failure? Compelate with an endocrinologist who will offer you recovery options.

Of course, in order to return a sexual attraction, you must first improve health.

Sex is health and pleasure

Sex is not only pleasure, but also part of a healthy lifestyle. Sex pleases us, raises the mood, we feel good. Scientifically proven that high-quality sex has a positive effect on health. Long abstinence or complete absence of sex, on the contrary, affects human health negatively.

Sex is one of the easiest and most natural pleasures from the very beginning of the history of mankind, and the problems in the intimate sphere cannot but affect the level of psychological and emotional tension. It is not necessary to launch the symptoms of burnout, you need to take action on time, and in some cases - immediately consult a doctor.

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