Yana Poplavskaya: "I have a configuration ring, and this is enough"


Yana Poplavskaya does not like himself when it is called that the most red hat. In the biography of the actress and in fact enough and other roles and projects. Now Yana is a caring wife, a mother of two children, a teacher of journalism and acting, as well as a writer and a benefactor.

"Yana, a few news from your life is discussed on the Internet. In particular, your new book. Usually, stars share in interesting details of the biography, and what will you please?

- This book is my new experience. But she is not about me, it is not my autobiography. For two years, I wrote articles in Instagram, and the publisher collected them into one book. This is my experience as a woman, like a parent and just a man who, of course, made mistakes in his life and studied on his own and strangers. After all, I have three professions: I actress, journalist and teacher. And the book is my conversation with readers.

- I heard that in the summer you scored your first acting ...

"I work with children all my life, nineteen years old teaching and this year first scored an acting course, before that he taught journalists. I would not hide, they persuaded me, since the employment is big, because I still do a great social project together with the Russian State Children's Library. I go through the regions and teaching teachers how to properly teach literature and Russian. Now there are many teachers, taught literature and Russian, do not understand that they produce children in a big world. And in fact, children speak poorly, they know the literature poorly, they disoriented. And most importantly, if you ask the teachers to go on stage and tell about yourself, he will not go. Teachers often do not want to talk, they are not sure that they can do it cool. And I teach this. And I still teach parents together with children. I do not take those children whose parents refuse to learn with them.

Yana Poplavskaya:

The legendary Evgeny Evstigneev was a little Yana Panner in two films, including in the picture "About the Red Hap"

Photo: Frame from the movie

- Why should parents go along with children?

- In order for the common cause! When a child comes from school, what question you usually ask him? What did you get today? Try together this to say: "Oh, what a beautiful day today! Go dine. " Well, what will change from what you ask about the estimates? What is the difference that he got? I saw how shrouded our children, how much they are afraid of. It does not school, you are doing with them. You get along with your child to do a lesson, for sure your hair end, dodged the beast, the voice is loud. And so you have tied ties with it. Therefore, I took the trouble to teach children together with my parents. And for two years, which is my project, parents learn. They became completely stunning relationships with children. My children together with their parents performed at the Book Fair on Red Square. Read Pushkin, Silver Poets. The boy is 12 years old reading Gumileva with a bang, but came to me with stuttering. My parents call me and they say that Petya or Dima fell ill, but those shout that they want to come. Have you ever heard children want to go to learn?

- Now it is fashionable to contact psychologists, including on family issues. Have you ever visited them?

- I do not like psychologists. Once I had a very hard story in my life, and my girlfriend said that she had a friend - a stunning expensive psychologist ... We came to visit her, girlfriend, so as not to interfere, said: "I'll go beyond the bread." The store is five minutes, there was no one and a half hours. And now she comes back and sees how this Elena, a family psychologist, lies on my shoulder, sobs and tells about what she's unhappy, as she wants to marry and how she does not fold with men. Therefore, when you decide that you need an urgent child to take to a psychologist, you at least find out what kind of specialist. Unfortunately, the time of amateurs has come, and to find a good specialist, you need to work hard.

Yana Poplavskaya:

With Svetlana Ustinova in the film "Dark Waters"

Photo: Frame from the movie

- You fell into the movie with a small child. How did the success of the "Red Caps" influenced your life?

- My head did not explode from the fact that I star all stars (smiles). In general, I was very lucky in life, to communicate, to be friends with such people, about which you can only dream. In the second picture of Evgeny Alexandrovich Evstigneev played my father. We loved each other after the "Red Caps", and so much for me did for me as for the person, which from a little man turned into an adult girl, he invested in me! For this, I am immensely grateful to him. And when it was suitable for him and said: "Evgeny Aleksandrovich, you are a star, you are a shit!" - He somehow squeezed himself, he was very shy and said: "Stars in the sky, and I can work a little bit here?" He was a surprisingly modest man. The people, in front of which I bow, were proud of the whole country, they were exactly such, very shy. None of them shouted: "I am a star, serve me here!" Evstigneev always said me: "The baby, you know, when we go to the set, you need to tilt your head." And at the same time pressed on my head. Then he said: "Thank you for the fact that we start this day. I thank operators, I thank the illuminators and others for what we work with you today. " And when the day ended, he thanked everyone again, listed all those services that are not visible. And I explained to me: "You should always thank these people, starting work and ending it, because if they were not, we would not be able to work. Because they do our day, and they must treat you with love. But it will be only when you respect them. " When I came to work on television, I tilted my head and thanked everyone. And then I already learned from the director, with whom it worked for fifteen years, that it was shock for them. "We did not even understand what it was, we watched each other: what's wrong with her? And on the second day they realized that we adore you, and everyone thought about how to work when you had. " And it was not me, it was Yevgeny Alexandrovich talked to them. That's how I changed after my "red hat".

Yana Poplavskaya:

With Alexey Zharkov, in the film "Prisoner of the castle of IF"

Photo: Frame from the movie

"You lived most of your life in Moscow, and where does your family come from?

- Our genus from Karachay-Cherkessia, I spent all my childhood in Cherkessk, and on the set paintings I was with my grandmother, which was my best friend. My grandmother was fantastic, she never scolded me. She always said: "There will be others to scold you, and I should have time to love you." I found my great-grandfather and spent my best years with him. The year we lacquered on parallel beds. He is with a fracture of the hip neck, and I made an operation on my leg. The Lord did specifically so that this year we communicate with him every day 24 hours a day. When the coup, grandfather, taking the family, grandmother, which he loved all his life, her sister Dina, nephew, fled to Cherkessk. So, my relatives appeared in the North Caucasus. By the way, my great-grandmother - the Gorsk Ella Evgenievna - was a famous actress in Karachay-Cherkessia. She was beauty. I did not bother such a beauty.

- What kind of main advice did your mom gave you?

- My mother is a very hard man. She believed that if her daughter was engaged in four years of profession, then she should be a working horse. My mom had only one advice: "Get up and go." And when I said that I could not, I do not want, I don't have strength, she said: "There is such a word 'need." And I greeted with this word. Do you know how cool raises? Super! I fell, I think that I will never stand, and in my head my mother: "I need! Get up. " And I get up and I go.

Marriage Yana with actor, director and producer Sergey Ginzburg lasted 25 years. Two sons were born in the family, but in 2011, the spouses divorced

Marriage Yana with actor, director and producer Sergey Ginzburg lasted 25 years. Two sons were born in the family, but in 2011, the spouses divorced

Lilia Charlovskaya

- You teach literature, and who instilled you love for books?

- In childhood I lived in a communal apartment with my parents. And read Pushkina, Bunin, Goethe and many others, because Dad was engaged in my formation. I had a unique father, bad blood, but that person, thanks to which I talk so, so I think so perceive life and I know foreign and Russian literature so well. He did everything to become the most important person in his life. He served on Taganka, wrote books, but when I came to him, he immediately postponed all his affairs with the words: "Well, let's talk?" Even a talk show that I led with my son was called "talk." And I called the project on the radio "adult children of young parents." Dad was young, he was my papamam. And if he was angry, I knew, but he never shouted. He said: "How could you do it? I did not expect from you. Didn't my daughter go? " And I did not know where to go what I do to tell him, I was proud of me that he loved me.

- You have for several years with Evgeny Yakovlev. What is the secret of your strong relationship?

- Great when you love, although you do not love yourself. You know how often we do not love yourself ... And for me, family happiness is when the shortcomings do not exceed the number of dignity laid down in a person. This is when the person I chose, sacrifices his time, his love for my interests. When you are sick, helpless and, of course, ugly, but you know what you love the same. When you do not need to pretend that you stand now, get rolling. At home you need to relax. When you do not say that there are men's and women's affairs. My Prapraded always said that a woman is on the woman, she cannot do a dirty job. A woman should not wash the floors, a woman should not bear garbage. My Prapraded always cleaned potatoes, carrots, onions. My dad did the same. And when I got married for the first time, my spouse could not understand why his wife does not know how to clean the potatoes, carrot, but at the same time it prepares luxuriously. Here is my second husband cleans potatoes, carrots, puts out the garbage, washes the floors and performs dirty work on the house. And when everything is developing, it's great. It is impossible to decompose love on the shelves. You either love or do not love. And maybe it's all the addition components. I do not know how Prapraded was achieved, but he loved my great-grandmother. This does not mean that they did not swear, but I would have dreamed of living life in such love. When it did not, in Cherkessk in the cemetery, he told a stunning phrase: "I lived with you, and now I will live without you."

Yana Poplavskaya and Radio-friendly Yevgeny Yakovlev familiar more than ten years, but in 2015 they became a couple. At the moment, Yana and Eugene are engaged

Yana Poplavskaya and Radio-friendly Yevgeny Yakovlev familiar more than ten years, but in 2015 they became a couple. At the moment, Yana and Eugene are engaged

Boris Kremer

- Yana, there are rumors on the Internet that you are planning a wedding ....

- There will be no grand wedding, it's all nonsense ... I generally think that the wedding is a chamber business. They are invited to close and relatives, and not those that need. I already have a configuration ring, it is enough for me. It seems to me that Eugene made me a sentence countless times, but we have so excellent relationships. We met in 2006, and now 2019. So we know each other for quite a long time, and together for five years.

- We can say that Eugene is the man you were looking for so long?

- I did not look for anyone, he found me (smiles). After such a difficult marriage, no woman who took place and downloaded by affairs will not run and seek a man. I am generally now in your work. And honestly, I will say: with great care, I treated my new relationship. But Zhenya says: "I'm enough to check me from 2006: how much is it possible!" (smiles).

- What does Yana Poplavskaya dream of?

- I want a house. We are building a house together with Zhenya, and it is much better than the showing wedding. The plot is small, eleven across. And no longer need. The coffin has no pockets, I will do nothing with me. For happiness, you need quite a bit: the house, a loved one, so that everyone is healthy.

- If you could change something in your life, what would you change?

- I would become a neurosurgeon doctor. The fact is that my grandmothers are military surgeons, and I wanted to learn from this profession more than anything else in the world. My dad at one time was a very famous journalist. He came from Cherkessk and entered MGIMO immediately. Dad knows five languages. I became a journalist, but the doctor did not become, because my mother was very pity that I did not want to be an actress. She persuaded me for a very long time: well, you will finish the university, you will become a doctor. But, unfortunately, it did not come out.

Yana Poplavskaya with sons Nikita and Klimom

Yana Poplavskaya with sons Nikita and Klimom

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Both your Sons adults. What do they do?

"The eldest son works on the metropolitan television channel, relieves a large project about Moscow, how the capital is built. This is a documentary film, the work of good correspondents. They make four programs per month. Well, the youngest works in a huge company that is engaged in the construction of all major facilities, including the Metro, the Park "Charger", etc. He is now inhabited. His profession is advertising, PR, video siza, organization of sites, etc.

- How did it happen that your children are not artists?

- And thank God! I believe that men should make male work. The acting profession is heavy, non-permanent, and the man must be a getter and understand what will feed the family.

- Yana, you are always elegant and beautiful. The feeling of taste was vaccinated from childhood? And now someone helps keep up with fashion?

- I knew how to sew it since childhood. Remember, were the blues and pink blankets for kids? And they trimmed their nights, swallowed their belongings, dad gave me a shirt. I generally got a very good female education. Grandmother taught me to embroider with a cross and stroke. I sewed when I studied at the institute, Burda bought magazines. Then it became unnecessary to me, bought things abroad. Now I give something, something is given to me fashion designers or buy myself. But this is my taste, my mind is on myself, what I would like to look like. Usually I do not like when they are combing, and I don't like it very much when I paint me. Because very often, people do not see a person for their profession of stylist. Therefore, I myself am myself and makeup, and a shvets, and a reaper, and on the Dudge. And when I come to shoot, I know exactly what I want.

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