"Young with 'atmosphere of beauty": intermediate results


We continue to cover the joint project of the Beauty atmosphere magazine and Expert Clinics. Under the leadership of Dr. Dorina Donich, selected participants continue to undergo a therapeutic course on a unique technique, which allows you to restore the hormonal function of the body and slow down the aging process. Today we will discuss the interim assessment of the results.

Briefly about the method

SRD rejuvenating therapy (STEROID RECEPTOR DETOX) implies cleansing receptors to their own hormones. Over the years, these receptors are glued with various alien compounds and toxins, so hormones cease to work in full force, which leads to hormonal aging of the body.

To correct the work of receptors, a special preparation of plant origin is used, which is introduced as an intracutaneous sample (as a vaccine). Such injections reveal the sensitivity of the receptors to one or another hormones and show which antibodies or toxins are set on. In addition, injections activate the immune system, which begins to seek alien agents and quickly cleaned them. Injections are held once a month and allow you to release the linked receptors, which contributes to the gradual restoration of the hormonal function.

Dorina Donich

Dorina Donich

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

In addition, all participants of the project were assigned:

• droppers with peptides and vitamins that help remove avitaminosis, restore oxidized proteins and speed up the construction of new cells;

• TPT (TRIGGER POINT THERAPY) with the introduction of biopeptides, antioxidants and other substances across acupuncture points.

In a healthy body healthy mind

"It is gratifying to see that our participants not only significantly improved physical well-being and many complaints were gone, but the state of the psyche was normalized, and this is an important indicator of general well-being. The technique used in our clinic well aligns the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, in this one can make sure that after listening to the stories of the participants that they have become much calmer, it is better to carry stress, faster and full of strength. True, some "tenting" is still noticeable, because the process of detoxification is not completed. When we fully complete the cleaning of receptors to steroid hormones and normalize the function of the nervous system, literally on the magic somewhere the whole negative will go somewhere, natural joy and positive attitude in life will appear. "

Intermediate tests

"At regular consultation, participants were tested using a transdermal analyzer of heavy metals and an alkaline balance in tissues. This is a unique device created in France based on the development of Russian scientists. The device allows non-invasive, by contacting the skin at certain areas of palm, determine the level of heavy metals, the degree of oxidative stress, the presence of certain microelements and much more.

Analysis for the presence of heavy metals and microelements is extremely important for assessing the condition of the body, its ability to remove harmful substances and accumulate useful.

With long-term accommodation in adverse zones, as well as in contact with industrial metals and their chemical derivatives, severe metal fractions accumulate in various organs and human tissues. Incixing with heavy metals is expressed in various clinical symptoms - headaches, constant fatigue, anemia, neurological disorders, violations in the activities of the central nervous system, increased excitability, intestinal defeat and much more.

In addition to the level of heavy metals, the test shows the content of the most important trace elements for the vital activity of the body - iron, magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc, potassium, lithium, - participating in the regulation of biochemical reactions in all human bodies.

The overaction of heavy metals, the lack of useful trace elements, high oxidation of tissues, disorders of the intestine - all these deviations lead to a deterioration of immunity and the launch of serious diseases, especially if a person is notifunable, dwells in constant stress, it works hard.

Therefore, in a course rejuvenation, special attention is paid to the restoration of the processes of natural detoxification, the "unlocking" of the immune system and reduce the load on it by eliminating the listed negative factors. "

Project participants

Tatyana Rakhmatullina, 52 years

Tatyana Rakhmatullina

Tatyana Rakhmatullina

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions Tatiana:

The last SRD session caused a strong itching at the site of injections, the hand became mercilessly more than a week, but now everything was calmed down. I continue to take magnesium, zinc and other designated drugs. The general condition, in my opinion, really improved in comparison with what was at the very beginning of the course.

A little disturbing in the habit of late Waste to sleep. It is difficult to put yourself in bed before two o'clock in the morning, but in the morning I wake up well-rested and I feel good for the day.

Doctor's comment:

Very optionally a lot to sleep. Sleep can be short, but productive and deep - this is what we now see. Initially, Tatiana complained about insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, in addition, among the symptoms there were spasms at the bottom of the abdomen and the ocean of the intestines, the pain in the lower back, fatigue, riding. All this is now gone and stopped disturbing.

However, the diagnosis conducted today showed a high level of heavy metals, and they significantly slow down the processes of tissue regeneration and metabolic rate. It must be said that heavy metals have a property to accumulate in subcutaneous adipose tissue, so transdermal analysis well shows a true picture of what is happening.

Regarding trace elements, Tatiana still lacks magnesium and iron, also in phosphorus deficiency, chrome, silicon, iodine. They need to additionally drink. Iodine is best taken in the form of chlorella - single-cell algae with a rich set of vitamins and minerals.

The test testifies that due to the already conducted wellness rate at the body now there is now good protection against oxidation, however, the acid-alkaline balance of the tissue still requires alignment towards the alkaline medium.

But the immune system is perfectly working, in good condition hormonal status, the absorption of nutrients in the intestines is greater than 70%, the ability to regenerate at a high level, and it will still improve when we derive heavy metals from the body. To speed up this process, you need to take special detox drugs and spend some more TPT sessions. When we deal certain medicinal cocktails on acupuncture points, we act directly on the lymphatic system, thereby speeding up the drainage and withdrawal of heavy metals, including.

Galina Chernavina, 55 years

Galina Chernavina

Galina Chernavina

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Galina's impressions:

I was removed by a gypsum, and I began to move on my own on my own (we recall that Galina broke his leg for a while and spent more than a month in the gypsum). True, because of the movement on the crutches, I had difficulties with the spine - the nerve was pinned, "and now rehabilitation. But I continue the rejuvenating course of Dorina Alekseevna, I go to TPT sessions, recently made another SRD procedure.

Doctor's comment:

I am very glad that Galina returned to the project and continues therapy! Against the background of everything that happened, a small decline occurred, but when she last a visit to the clinic, I noticed that she was a little lost and looks good. It was difficult for her, since we canceled her replacement hormone therapy, because of what the weight was unstable. Now there is a new session of cleaning receptors to sex hormones, which will lead to the restoration of the hormonal balance in the body. In addition, Galina visits sessions of acupuncture points TPT, which will accelerate the regeneration of tissues and will contribute to the active recovery after the injury gained. And, of course, you need to continue the reception of all previously prescribed drugs - vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, probiotics.

Alla Shishkova, 48 years

Alla Shishkova

Alla Shishkova

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions of Alla:

I continue to regularly engage in gymnastics and I feel that there is a tone of muscles, although because of a sharp reduction in the number of cigarettes of cigarettes, I added in weight, as I said more than last time. In general, I feel good, although the working schedule is currently very loaded, often you have to stay late and work on weekends. Spasms and abdominal pain passed, the insomnia left, the limbs began to swell less, but at the same time the pancreas of the pancreas, the ovarian, pulls on the sweet and salty.

Doctor's comment:

What periodically felt ovaries is a good sign. This technique restores the cyclicality of the emission of hormones, and even if menstruation is not renewed, we normalize the overall hormonal status, which slows down the aging process.

According to the results of the test, Alla is a good level of magnesium, however, there is a shortage of phosphorus, silicon, zinc, chromium, copper, iron and manganese. All of them play an important role in reparations of tissues. The deficit of trace elements may be associated with many years of smoking, and now it is necessary to restore their normal level. Again, due to smoking, we see a high level of heavy metals - bismuth, cadmium, beryllium, mercury, lead, arsenic. And, apparently, the normal function of detoxification is broken, that is, the elimination of harmful elements from the body. Also, the results show very weak protection against oxidative stress (the tissue is oxidized by 75%), therefore it will be necessary to take antioxidants for a long time (Coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, dihydroquercetin), be sure to adhere to alkaline food, do not forget to drink water with lemon.

The imbalance of flora in the intestines is maintained to restore it, a long course of probiotics is needed (about a year). To reduce the number of harmful bacteria and the relief of dysbacteriosis, the reception of polyvalent bacteriophage is recommended.

In addition, testing indicates problems with the exchange of substances, lack of pancreatic enzymes and a tendency to diabetes - we have to work with all this.

Nevertheless, Alla, the state of the nervous system was noticeably stabilized and the overall well-being, mood, sleep, stress resistance was improved. She almost stopped smoking, the color, quality and turgor of the skin, nails and hair were strengthened,

Alla looks much younger. This is the result of the course of recovery of the sensitivity of receptors to its own sex hormone.

Olga Kubanseva, 48 years

Olga Kubanseva

Olga Kubanseva

Photo: Ekaterina Shlychkova

Impressions Olga:

At the moment I feel some decline, possibly due to the intense schedule of work. I have a large number of projects that require attention and strength. Suddenly, tides appeared, and the overall well-being rides there and here. I made a third SRD session, which was a rather stormy reaction. In addition, I continue to drink magnesium, zinc, iron and probiotics appointed to me. Waiting for further recommendations.

Doctor's comment:

According to the results of the test of Olga, high oxidation protection, but there is a shortage of some trace elements. It is necessary to continue to drink magnesium, iron and zinc, more often use foods rich in phosphorus and silicon. A strong oversupply of heavy metals is not observed, which is good, nevertheless you need to still work on the function of the detox, because while the elimination of harmful substances is not at the height. So we will continue detoxing.

Until now, there is not a very good situation with the intestines - there is a low absorption of beneficial substances, therefore, like Alla, a long reception of probiotics is needed. But the immune system came into order, the tendency to allergies disappeared, so spring passed without allergic exacerbations. To facilitate the output of toxins from tissues, it is necessary to adhere to alkaline food, there are more vegetables and fruits, less meat and dairy products. Take recommended drugs and do not forget about physical activity and go to the sauna to enhance the detox. Joint efforts the patient's patient is strictly necessary for successful treatment.

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