Dmitry Nagiyev has discovered an extramarital son


In the life of Dmitry Nagiyeva, there were big changes: the movie star was found an extramarital son. However, the actor is not very shocked by a new relative, as he was found on television screens.

The other day in Moscow ended the shooting of the new season of the series "Two Father and two Sons", in which Nagiyev plays a major role. His character is a famous actor and a wealthy man Pavel Gurov. One day, his son Victor (Maxim Studenovsky) and the grandson of Vlad (Ilya Kostyukov) appear on the threshold of his luxury apartment, and the carefree life of Gurov cool changes. And in the new season it turns out that Paul has another son - Dima (Sergey Chirkov). And if Vitya is not at all like a parent, then the enterprising Dima inherited from his father all the best.

In the new season, Dmitry Nagiyev shakes his hair and finds out that he has another son - Dima (Sergey Chirkov)

In the new season, Dmitry Nagiyev shakes his hair and finds out that he has another son - Dima (Sergey Chirkov)

In the meantime, guys will fight for the title of "Son of the Year", Pavel Gurov will try to return its former popularity. The new neighbor of Inga (Anna Nevsky) will add problems - TV presenter, which is not inferior to the actor in the ability to joke and argue. But on this adventure of a strange family will not complete: Paul will be invited to Hollywood, Dima has a split personality, and the youngest of Gurovy will fall in love with a neighbor girl.

In the new season, the Hero of Dmitry Nagiyev appears a neighbor of Inga, which Anna Nevsky is played

In the new season, the Hero of Dmitry Nagiyev appears a neighbor of Inga, which Anna Nevsky is played

The appearance of Gurova will change. According to the plot, Paul will lose the dispute and gain naked, so the audience will see Nagiyev without a wig, in his usual appearance.

Unlike Viti, which is not at all like her father, the enterprising Dima inherited from him all the best

Unlike Viti, which is not at all like her father, the enterprising Dima inherited from him all the best

"The artist will appear in almost his home so that no one has a doubt who plays whom. And I think that the leadership of the leading role began to feel the trick, ticking of hours and his" sixty "years became more sentimental, so the character In addition, she acquired more humane features, "says Dmitry Nagiyev.

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