How to keep schoolboy health


With the beginning of the school year, parents begin to think only that their favorite child does not hurt, he studied well, not tired and besides excellent studies still managed to go to the circles and sections. I found out how to cope with this unbearable task.

Parents of schoolchildren need to remember that it is almost impossible to be an excellent card, professionally play sports and also attend two or three mug. Specialists of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Children's Health and Adolescents are recommended at the five-day working week to give children a load in fifth grade - 28 lessons per week, in the sixth - 29 lessons. At the six-day in the fifth grade, the load is recommended - 31 lessons per week, in the sixth - 32. Schoolchildren of junior load classes are standard, four lessons are allowed every day, one or two days in five lessons, high-school students are much higher, six to seven lessons everyday. Pupils of junior and middle classes should sleep on nine-ten o'clock. And walk for three hours every day. But in modern conditions it is almost impossible, so parents must ensure that the child walked at least an hour outside. For the fifth and sixth grades, two to three hours are given to the homework, no more.

As for nutrition, experts recommend using only iodized salt during cooking. In the daily menu of the schoolchildren there must be vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat or fish, juices, butter and vegetable oil, various in the assortment of cereals and legumes. At will, you can enter nuts, dried fruits, honey.

Watch out for posture of a child

Watch out for posture of a child


No need to teach a child to increased salt drinking and buy chips, crackers and salted nuts. It is not recommended to introduce sharp and spicy dishes to the schoolchildren's diet, with spices and vinegar content. The child can not be flipped, to force it from under the stick, as the cause of most exchange disorders and obesity in adulthood is improper nutrition in childhood. For children, there are four to five times a day, the break between meals must be about four hours. If there is more often, the appetite can decrease. If the breaks are longer, the child will eat more food and stretch the stomach.

Parents necessarily need to pay attention to the posture of schoolchildren. It is necessary to ensure that children do not slight when they perform homework at the desk. The child must have three supports: legs, back and hands. The proper height of the table can be checked like this: sitting the child must lower his hands, the height of the table should be higher than the elbow to two or three cm. If the student does not reach the floor with his legs, then you need to substitute the bench. Experts recommend growing "Muscular Corset", to ensure that there is no flatfoot. And teach children to an active lifestyle. It is not necessary to attend sports sections. You can make the whole family to make hiking, go to the pool, ride on scooters or skis, play in the courtyard in football or volleyball. The main thing is that the child brings joy.

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