Wake up and eat: 3 useful breakfast for the first morning of the new year


New Year's Eve leaves not only impressions, but forces our stomach to experience a load, which can lead to unpleasant consequences for all organism systems. The morning of January first should be a kind of discharge for the overloaded organ, and therefore the breakfast does not just have to take place, but also be prepared correctly, so that you can get useful substances since the morning and rather brought toxins obtained in a triple dose over the last day last year.

Nuts and banana? Ideally!

We avoid difficult to digest products, and therefore we draw attention to fruits and useful fats that are kept in nuts. Moreover, you can choose nuts to your liking, however, we recommend paying attention to walnuts and cashews. Breakfast is preparing to madness simply: we cut a banana, mix with simple yogurt or kefir without flavors, add nuts. You may not add yogurt and eat a whole fruit, and yet fervent foods will not be superfluous since the morning - over the next day you will eat much smaller.

Do not ignore breakfast

Do not ignore breakfast

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Mix of cottage cheese and fruit

It is difficult to present morning food without cottage cheese, and we agree that cottage cheese is probably the most versatile product, since with it you can come up with an incredible number of recipes. We choose the easiest and most useful: choose cottage cheese in a pack, so that you can smoke it, we take fruit to taste, best - bananas, fresh berries, apples, mango or even avocado, most importantly, avoid citrus, mix before getting a single mass. The fiber in combination with a whole complex of vitamins is just a salvation in the morning of January first.

Light salad and meat

If you are serious about your health, spend some time on December 31 to boost a small piece of meat in the morning. Preferably all - beef or veal. In the morning you do not have to think what to cook. Cut the meat into small pieces and add seasoning to taste, then cut fresh vegetables into a salad, the Greek salad with the addition of low-fat cheese will become an excellent option. Breakfast made of meat and vegetables will be not so heavy, as it may seem at first glance - if you didn't eat too much at night, the morning recharging protein will be very by the way, you will not want to grab the harmful cookies or the cake until the end of the day.

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