Ilya Legoev: "We are waiting for change?"


It can be assumed that even the tellagyaks have accumulated on local channels, and those who perceive all close to heart probably long discussed on the theme "To what extent of demonstrations can reach the authors of the slaughter evening talk show." However, the question "Docom" here has always had a rhetorical character. Especially on modern television, where shamelessness and professionalism are almost synonyms.

In the very striving of telechanged, create some parallel reality, of course, there is nothing new. So it was on the Soviet TV, but at that time censorship and idiotspets were rampated in all directions, and as a result, the quality of the latter television truck could not fall below a certain level. Now censorship is surprisingly associated with the legalization of everything that ratings can bring, and maybe therefore from the prime-half, even large channels carries a frank shabol. But the main problem is not even in the saber, but what he looks catastrophically unloaded. Witches and demons no longer inspire any fear, they hurt fat, they are not completely sexy, they are more like the elderly dogs that work out their sugar than on dragons, which and looked will burn all the ducks.

And all this is so obvious that simply the diva is given why the television does not begin reforms. On the other hand, to blame the producer bastion in complete inaction would not be quite fair. Something they, of course, produce. And, in a new television season out of ten TV shows, one will not seem pompous fufl, some telestroyapnya will look very tasty, Ivan Urgant will again become the central figure of the night television, and the abroad will show exactly the same as it sees her euro Russian citizen.

But this is not enough. We want to change, and a global nature. We want television again to be the place where very interesting people are frolic. Those who are smarter, charismatic and ironic than ordinary people. Those who know what we just dreams. The very you can become new heroes of Prime Time.

Probably someone will see all signs of helpless romanticism in such expectations. But much suggests that a kind of romanticism is now in fashion again. Returning to the same "Assue" ... an exemplary film is not for all, which nevertheless can be compared with a deafening rock-hit of a national scale. And the recent return of "Assa" to the big screen, as the same reboot of the needle, Rashid Nugmanov, with Tsoem in the lead role, is probably hinting that all these romantic ideas of late eighties still work. As the idea of ​​a majestic rock hero works, which says a bit, but in the case, knows what principles are, and at least from afar looks like a honest person.

We have long wanted to change, and now this desire is strong more than ever. And if teleproductors do not understand this, they are complete idiots.

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