Alina Artc: "The reproaches of the artists in the stalk cause me a smile"


- Alina, from his new video "Hit the Red Light" Did you expect such success in America?

- I tried not to think about it. I used to customize myself that it is better to concentrate at work, and waiting for some miracle to spill in creativity. That's when I was a little girl, then dreamed of world fame. (Laughs.) But I thought that the song "Hit The Red Light" will be a small attempt, a small chaguant to somehow attract attention. And the result exceeded all my expectations. We were recorded with the American producer Tom Wirch in the Los Angeles Studio. And when Tom told me that the song has a very correct commercial sound that matches new trends of the American show business, I thought - he just encourages me. But the mosaic has developed the best way: the right sound, a honesty row, which is easy to remember, summer. After all, the song is lightweight, cheerful, creates a good mood and configures on a positive.

- In the Russian version, the name of the composition sounds like "Come on the Red!". Are you against the rules?

- To some extent yes. (Laughs.) My protest is that there is no rules in the world. Each person itself establishes them for himself. You need to trust the heart. And as soon as we begin to meet the rules imposed by the society, then come back from our way.

- In ordinary life, have you ever violated the law?

- Honestly? Yes. I sometimes break the rules of the road and get penalties for it. (Laughs.)

Alina Artc:

"I thought that the song" Hit The Red Light "will be a small attempt, a small chaguant to somehow attract attention. And the result exceeded all my expectations." .

- In the clip you have very bright costumes: corsets, chains, gold and silver - is it also a kind of challenge rules?

- I think this style fully corresponded to the image of the song. And in life, I focus only on those rules that I install it. Everyone agrees that designers dictate new fashion trends. But they are peculiar, and a big question, why people should go behind them. Maybe it's better for Alina Artz - who knows? I consider different world designers and recognize them, but any style of clothing always adapt to itself. And if in some season is not fashionable, for example, green, and it is currently pleasant to me, then for me these rules does not exist. Moreover, when our artists reproach in stinking, it causes me a smile. If a person puts on the motley, incompatible colors means, he has such a situation in his soul. And what you see in my clip and my images, the same corresponds to my perception of life.

- You shot a video in Los Angeles. They say this city never sleeps. Did not arise with the shooting on the streets?

- In fact, this is a delusion that Los Angeles is not sleeping. Recently, in the club I had the first concert, and the organizers asked for a scene somewhere at 11 pm. I was very surprised at this, because I was called the chadliner. And then it turned out that all clubs in Los Angeles closes in a half-night night, and in an hour you will not buy alcohol anywhere. And it is in nightclubs! All restaurants close at 23.00, and at two o'clock in the morning the city is sleeping tight. I have never met such kinds of kind police in my life, with a smile calling the prices for which you can overlap the central street without any problems, and the movement will be empty by a girlfriend route. We were told that it was specially done by the authorities, so we did not give anyone any discomfort.

- Alina, Los Angeles you conquered what's next?

- Honestly, Los Angeles I have not conquered. When I feel that it is really welcome there that I can collect thousands of fans on my concerts and speak not only in clubs, but also on large sites, then maybe I will be satisfied. In fact, I feel happiness not from the fact that I have a rotation in different countries of the world, and from work, new songs and that is not standing in place.

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