Anna Semenovich: "I am under the supervision of a personal doctor"


- Anya, how do you feel now?

- I feel much better. Thanks to the doctors! At night, cough no longer suffers, so I go to the amendment.

- How did you manage to get sick in summer so hard?

- Frequent flights. Airplanes are constantly working in airplanes. I flew from Minsk from the concert, several times asked to make air conditioning trick. It was reduced, but still a blowed decent. At home I began to cough, then the temperature rose. I immediately appealed to the hospital - it turned out that pneumonia. Five years ago, I have already transferred this disease. But most of the time spent on the legs and, apparently, did not fulfill until the end. And here is the result - the disease returned again.

- Probably the disease broke a lot of your plans?

- Yes, unfortunately, I had to suspend work on a new song. Canceled several television filming and photo shoots.

- Did you really have done the doctors to sing?

- Yes it is. Doctors recommend me at all as little as possible to talk.

- But you are leading the "New Wave" contest. How did Dr. you let you go?

- just in case, in Jurmala, my personal doctor is with me.

Anna Semenovich:

"I started coughing at home, the temperature rose. I turned to the hospital - it turned out, pneumonia." Photo:

- Do not be afraid of worsening health?

- This time I definitely flow to the end! I realized that it was impossible to joke with health, you need to take care of it and treat him very carefully.

- Anna, and you could not get sick because of your new hobbies surfing?

- Not. On Bali, I felt fine. It was hot.

- What were the sensations when first got up on the board?

- This is indescribable! Adrenaline and feeling of complete freedom when you can manage the marine element.

- The fear was not?

- Not. It was terribly interesting. Honestly, I looked at the surfing for a long time. But the circumstances were in such a way that it was not affected by him. Probably, this sport waited for its o'clock. And so he came to Bali. I met a stunning girl Victoria, who became my first surf teacher.

- Are you afraid of something in life?

- Of course, like any person, I have some my fears. But I prefer not to think about them, but as far as possible to overcome them.

- Do not be afraid that now for a long time you have to postpone and recording a new song that was supposed to go in August, and horse riding classes?

- I hope that I will release a song in September. And I plan to return to horse riding riding in the near future.

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