The most unusual star recipes pancakes


Anastasia Tregubova pleases his big family

"We used to do just pancakes or pancakes on the carnival, put the filling, and everyone chooses for himself that add: who is sweet, who is salty. But I want to please my home, so I found such a recipe - pancake rolls with three types of filling.

You need to bake thin pancakes. You can use your favorite recipes. But I do from such ingredients: one and a half cups of flour, half teaspoon teas, salt, tutu of vanilla sugar, ordinary sugar to taste (2-3 spoons), 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, two eggs, tablespoon cream 10%, tablespoon Milk and as much water.

Further prepare the filling, from sweet it may be such:

Dairy: Three tablespoons of sugar powder, cheese packaging Philadelphia. Mix everything thoroughly. Ready.

Fruit: Fruit dense jam. You can take ready.

Makova: 150 gr. Poppy, 150 gr. Milk, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, column half of the lemon, half a teaspoon of honey. Pour the milk to the scenery, add sugar, bring to a boil, add a poppy and zest there. 10 minutes cook on slow fire. Cool, add honey and mix.

Failure You can do with two fillings: soft cheese and a weakly salted red fish.

Each stuffing put on a pancake and turn into a roll. Now put on the table the fourth pancake, there are three finished rolls on it, and all this turn again. The resulting roll is cut into several parts and put on 3-5 minutes in the freezer. Dish is ready.

Anna Peskov

Anna Peskov

Photo: Lelya Martian

Anna Peskov knows which pancakes can eat every day

'Pancakes in Carnival are a wonderful alternative to all of us breakfast. When I understand that we will deal with the whole family, then they are in traditional Russian recipes. This usually happens on the weekend, when we are already accustomed to carnival. But on weekdays I can also pamper yourself with several lace pancakes. There is already watching calories. To afford more delicacy and without harm to the figure, I use only proteins, I do not use ordinary flour, and I choose a skimmed milk. Such pancakes can hardly have breakfast every day throughout the week without much harm for the figure. And fruits and berries are well suited as a filling. Choose the pan with a non-stick coating so as not to use oil. "

Recipe for dietary pancakes from semolina cereals from Anna Peskov

You will need a glass of flour of solid wheat varieties and as many semolina. 6 cups of low fat milk and 4 egg squirrels. Two tablespoons of olive oil, salt.

Milk must be brought to a boil, pour the semolina and add oil. Allone to bring to a boil. Remove from fire and cool. Mix flour with squirrels and salt, mixed with semolina. Dough is ready, now you can bake pancakes.

Ilana Yuryev with his daughter

Ilana Yuryev with his daughter

Photo: Personal archive

Ilan Yuryev bake pancakes together with his daughter

"Our Diana is not yet three years old, but she loves to help me at the farm. Especially - cook. Where does she have such a zeal for cooking, I will not mind the mind. But I already know that it is impossible to start cooking without it. Recently, Diana and I learned a new recipe - banana pancakes.

For their preparation You will need a daughter - one thing. (Laughs.) Three banana. Sugar tablespoon. 4 tablespoons of flour, two eggs, salt and vegetable oil.

Bananas should be cleaned, cut into rings. All ingredients put in a blender and beat for a minute. At this time, it is good to split the frying pan, smear the oil and start bakeing. The dough is obtained gentle, so it is badly turned over - it is better to make small pancakes, more similar to the size of the pancakes. I use a small frying pan in such cases, it helps it very much.

Pancakes themselves are very satisfying, so we eat them only for breakfast, and with fruit. "

Laura Reznikova

Laura Reznikova

Photo: Anastasia Tregubova

Laura Reznikova prepares pancakes on champagne

"Such ancient holidays and customs, like Maslenitsa, always carry a lot of magic and magic. After all, if you think about, so many people for a huge number of years in this holiday embedded the soul that it was long filled with fabulous energy. And I realized that all these traditions were not outdated and I also take part in this. Speaking about the carnival and unrestrained fun associated with her, unwittingly remember not only pancakes, but also the most joyful, sparkling on the light of the drink - champagne! Champagne can not only accompany the eating pancakes, you can prepare pancakes on it! Recently, with surprise, it was discovered that there is a recipe pancakes, where instead of a baking powder and yeast, champagne uses champagne. And since I love this drink in any manifestations, I could not deny myself in this culinary experiment. Forward, gourmet! "

Pancakes on champagne from Laura Reznikova

Ingredients: 3 eggs, two glasses of flour, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, sugar spoon, salt, 300 ml champagne, 200 ml of carbonated water.

Dissolve sugar in carbonated water and champagne, add yolks, vegetable oil and pinch salt. Gently whip the mixture with a mixer and slowly add sifted flour. We beat again, so that there is no lumps. Separately whip in foam proteins and add them to the test.

Lera Tumanova

Lera Tumanova

Lera Tumanova - singer, composer and blogger. The author of the music for the films "Black Lightning", "Cell", "First Furniture", as well as Musiclam "Alice in Wonderland" and "White Sun of the Desert" - makes children's pancakes

"Maslenitsa for me, as for many, farewell to winter, the approach of spring begins every day. Such a number of pancakes used for the carnival week, our family does not eat for the whole year (smiles), everyone loves them. And this is the only week when I do not think to file for breakfast. Since I am a three-year-old baby mom, always fall creatively to feed any dish, which are very loved by children. This is my little secret - how to feed the child with mood and appetite. That's the feeding of pancakes is always diverse. Filling can be diverse: meat, fish, sweet. The main thing is to decorate and apply beautiful. I want to share this recipe:

I make meat minced chicken breast, slightly fry and carcass, starting them pancakes, wrapped the envelope. I decorate it with different vegetables, I make a handle, legs, and from sour cream finishing the image - a muzzle and a dress. It turns out a funny little man who wishes a pleasant appetite to all those present at the table.

Make a holiday every day, create a mood, and let it be warm always in your homes. Your Lera Tumanova. "

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