Olga Prokofiev showed a family album


"I do not hold in my head, how old I am in a passport, - Laughing, says the artist. "It happens, in the morning I will stand and feel myself at seventy, drinking coffee - and I'm forty-five, to sixteen zero-zero - already thirty-seven, and I play the young bride in the play - it means I just celebrated your twentieth." The distinctive feature of Olga is a dedication, supported by a sense of humor. She talks about herself with a smile, joking over various episodes from his biography. Despite the external fragility and the goodwill, which many are accepted for weakness, our heroine knows exactly what she wants, and tries to follow the chosen path. Judge for yourself. After school, the girl did not pass through the competition in the theater institute, although she filed documents in all universities of the capital, where there is an acting department. Having worked on the year on television with a senior accountant, she stormed the same vertices again. And his achieved! The only one who does not remember Olga, so it's about his former husband - actor Yuri Sokolov. After twelve years of living together, he threw his wife with his son and married another. Now he is a large father: three marriage, each has children. But Olga does not lose. After all, next to her, her loved ones: Son, Mom and Sister. They will never betray.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

one . "These are my parents. They met in the Urals, where dad was sent to a business trip. Mom, Sophia Prokhorovna, after the craft school worked at the plant to the turner. And in the summer, they with a girlfriend were arranged by the conduits of long-distance trains. So girls wanted to watch the Soviet Union. These travels ended when she married. And Dad, Evgeny Alexandrovich, always lived in the suburbs and worked in a construction organization. Only after the collapse of the USSR, we learned that it was a government enterprise, which was engaged in the construction of elevated secrecy. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

2. "We had an accordion at home. I and my sister Larisa, who is older than me for a year and a half (in the picture - with a tool), loved to play with him. Noticing this, Mom bought the piano. And first, the sister, and then, in a year, and I began to study at a music school. True, I was at first I wanted to master exactly the Accordion. But parents explained to me that I am small, so I will do on this tool it will be much more complicated than on the piano. Not to mention the fact that he is heavy and I will not be able to wear it myself for lessons. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

3. "This photo was made in 1977 in Bulgaria. And although they say: "Chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not abroad", during the years of the Iron Curtain, it was considered otherwise. We were lucky that Mom gave a ticket to her and two children at work. And we threesome went to relax. We were then struck by everything: and food, shops, and even the beach. Everything is different, not as in the USSR. Of course, now this is no longer surprised. But our family has a special attitude to Bulgaria. For three years in a row, we are all together: Mom, I and Son, sister with my daughter - we go to rest only there. Of course, we visited the resort, where we visited the seventies. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

four. "The scene from the play of our jamming" Funny chemmeters ". I myself was never a chemmeter. On the contrary, until the end of the school always hooliganila with boys: where they, there and me. They played football, hockey, built some snow fortresses and even fought. How many cones I had, bruises - and it is impossible to imagine! Since then, I have scars left. Over the years they have become less noticeable, but I know what they are, and I remember how they were earned. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

five. "I really wanted to engage in theatrical studio. And my mommy, who always trembled to our sister with his sister, found a drama in school number ten cities Odintsovo, where we lived. They were led by a stunning woman - Natalia Valerievna Primak. She became my godfather in the world of the theater and instilled me love and respect for the scene. We are friends with her so far. I invite her to all my premieres, and her opinion is still important for me. And this photo is done on the debut performance, where I got the role ... Cheburashka. At that time I studied in the sixth grade. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

6. "When the work on the series" My beautiful nanny "ended, we asked each other with colleagues:" Surely everything? And we part?! "Right as in the" Three Musketeers ", because during the years of joint creativity, our" quartet "very much began to friends. I have already plunged into the theater life, when I suddenly rang from Sergey Zhigunov: "Prokofiev, we're going together again, there is a good scenario, we will make a movie!" Shooting the film "Shakespeare and did not dream" took place in winter in St. Petersburg. It was cold, we frozley. And the platform became old dilapidated houses where the amazing beauty of the interiors was preserved. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

7. "When I was not accepted again in Gitis, I went to the institute to pick up documents and met the teacher Irina Sudakov, who advised me to flee into the Mayakovsky Theater. They led Andrei Alexandrovich Goncharov at that time, he made students in the acting group of the Director's Faculty of Gitis. And after a long audition, when I read the whole "Repertoire", Andrei Alexandrovich took me to the course. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

eight. "The photo is made at the festival in the pioneer camp" Orlenok ". We worked there, and rested. By the way, when I am asked how I manage to keep such a figure, I will answer honestly: "My fitness is my work!" Sometimes there is not a single minute during the performance, when I could calmly sit on the spot: I go on stage, run, Dance. When the curtain is lowered, the suit on me is literally wet. Yes, and in life I am quite active. And to look attractive, I can advise women a simple way that does not require cash investments. It is a smile! Any of us when smiles, becomes charming. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

nine. "This is a shot of 2005, here my son is thirteen years old. He was born in 1992, when the hospital was empty. Women were afraid to give birth, because to feed and dress the child in those days seemed difficult task. But I decided. And when the baby was two months later, went to work in the theater. They suggested such an interesting role that I just could not refuse. Now Sasha is already twenty-one, he is an adult man, with whose opinion I am. And he does not like when I tell about him in my interview. Prefers first to achieve some definite success in life. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

10. "Before I met Valery Garkalin, saw him in different productions of the Satira theater and was delighted with them. Therefore, I was pleased with the invitation to the revolt play "My husband's wife," where we are busy with Valera and Semyon Strugachev. Work and communicate with Garkalin is a pleasure. And we continue our creative cooperation. Now we have three joint projects. One of them is poetic, on the poems Bella Ahmadulina. "

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

eleven. "At the end of the institute, I came to work at the Mayakovsky Theater. I remember the day when Andrei Alexandrovich Goncharov presented us with troupe: "These are my most talented students." We were met by applause. And accepted as relatives. With all the warm relations have developed. We immediately made friends with Zhenya Simonova, and Natalia Gundarerev after the play "Tomorrow was war," where I played, took me under my wing. " (In the photo - after the play "Victim of the Century": Olga Prokofiev, Evgenia Simonova, Tatyana Orlova, on his knees of colleagues lies Natalia Gundarerev.)

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

Photo: Personal archive Olga Prokofyeva.

12. "We have a very strong family. We are so close to my sister Larisa and her daughter Anya, that I can not feel calm if something unpleasant happens in their life. They also belong to me and Sasha. And of course, the head of our family is Mom, this year she turned seventy five years. While our parents are alive, we, regardless of age, we feel children. Pope, unfortunately, no long ago. And great happiness that our mom is next to us, God for her health and many summer. She still surrounds us all with their concern and love. And in the fact that I have achieved some success and was able to realize myself, undoubtedly there is its great merit. "

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