How to become younger without plastic


"Many women older than 30 years old do not want to put up with the loss of past beauty and are looking for ways to slow down the natural processes of aging. At the same time, not everyone is ready to go to the cardinal measures and go to the table of the surgeon. Fortunately, modern achievements in the field of medicine are able to solve many problems without resorting to the operation. Wide distribution in recent decades, techniques of hardware cosmetology were obtained. One of the most effective techniques is fractional phototermolysis.

The essence of the technique

Fractional phototermolysis (or simply thermolysis) is used to rejuvenate tissues from the end of the twentieth century, and has established itself as a reliable and effective way to combat the effects of skin aging. This technique is known and under other names, for example, laser rejuvenation, dot-rejuvenation - the essence does not change from this.

To begin with, we will understand the terminology. The word "fractional" means that the laser stream is divided into separate rays, as a result, a solid effect is not solid exposure to the processed area of ​​the skin, but local. "Photothermolysis" reflects the essence of the process - the destruction of tissues under the influence of light and heat.

Thus, the laser beam forms a network to the network to microtrav. Thanks to fractionality, adjacent areas remain intact. The regeneration mechanism is launched, metabolic processes are activated, due to reserves of healthy cells begins fast collagen production. As a result, the skin is restored, but without wrinkles, scars or other manifestations, from which we wanted to get rid of.

Popular phototermolysis uses women aged 35-55 years. Of course, many girls wrinkles begin to manifest themselves on the face and after 25, and no one forbids to resort to fractional thermolysis and at this age, however, this procedure will usually be redundant, and other techniques can come to the aid, for example, injection.

Several types of photothermolysis are distinguished, which differ in the depth and nature of penetration. It can only be an impact on the epidermis - the upper layers of the skin or on the lower layers of the dermis. In the second case, the skin is undergoing much more significant effect, however, it is possible to solve more complex problems. Admissible and combination of various techniques. In any case, the need for one or another procedure chooses a specialist, depending on the needs of the client and the nature of complications. Therefore, I would like to advise you to contact only the proven clinics.

From what you get rid of

This procedure is applicable for any body sections. Shallow impact is possible even for the delicate skin - neck, eyelids, regions around the lips. If we talk about specific problems that make rid of fractional phototermolysis, then this is:

- wrinkles of any depth;

- scars of various origin - postoperative, burns, pedestal;

- pigmentation;

- Skin Stretching (Stria).

In addition, after the procedure, a common rejuvenating effect is observed, color and skin relief is aligned, and its suspension occurs. Thus, you can act as a large area and locally, for example, on individual scars.

What awaits us

The procedure itself passes under local anesthesia, which eliminates the possibility of unpleasant sensations. It lasts from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the treated area. The specialist will assign the required number of sessions, it can be 2-4 procedures with an interval from the month to one and a half.

Immediately after the procedure, swelling and redness will appear on the skin for one or two days. In some cases, this period may be accompanied by moderate pain. Then the process of reveling dead skin cells will begin, which is expressed as peeling. The peeling will end in about a week, however, it is easy to hide it using cream. In the same period, the skin will be especially sensitive to the effects of sunlight, which is why sunscreen with SPF is needed. Already on the day of the procedure it is allowed to take souls and wash away, the next day is usually allowed to use and tonal cosmetics. And from visiting the sauna during the recovery period will have to refrain. All the necessary measures that may differ depending on the type of skin and individual characteristics will advise a specialist.

Despite a certain inconvenience during the recovery period (which, by the way, is much shorter than in surgery), fractional phototermolysis allows you to achieve a sustainable result for 2-5 years, in some cases up to 7 years.

Like any cosmetology procedure, fractional phototermolysis has a number of contraindications. These include pregnancy and lactation period, blood disease, poor coagulation. Invalid procedure and diabetes, with infectious and cancer diseases, as well as acute and chronic skin diseases in the field of exposure. If we talk about age, the phototermolysis will not bring a significant effect after 60 years, due to the small already skin ability to regenerative processes. Until 18 years, the procedure is also not recommended. "

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