How not to be afraid of changes: 5 important steps on this path


To enter into a new stage, do something new - always scary. I have such periods when I really don't want to do, but I know that it will be cool. How to help yourself overcome these fears or unwillingness?

Rule 1. Overall through yourself and do what in the future will definitely benefit. I always do that, and this is not about what you come to your principles for the sake of a dubious result. This is the moment when scary, but it is worth it.

Rule 2. Scary, because there are always people who do not support and only coordinate, but on your side only units, the rest will laugh and affect: why we climb there, it's not yours. Therefore, we do not pay attention to the skeptics, and if the opinion of people hits you, then ask yourself the question: "How much is this person authority for me?" I think the answer will not make himself wait.

Rule 3. Do not follow the rule that everyone should do their own business. Because everyone should do what he likes. If you like it - step it towards this and do it!

Rule 4. It is better to do and regret what not to do at all. I always stick to this rule, as I prefer to find out, what will happen if you do? What then bite elbows and think about what could be.

Rule 5. A good quotation that I remember in 2012: "You need to be afraid of death, but an empty life," because how terrible to die and understand that you did not leave anything after yourself that you did not do what I wanted, and your life went Wasted - after you there is nothing left, except for the tombstone.

Therefore, I choose to do, walk to meet and live this life with a buzz. This is a partly sense of life: leave something after yourself, live it as you wanted, and not as someone spoke to you and someone else wanted to someone. You need to listen only to your heart!

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