What are the stars from?


Once in the morning I woke up with the thought of my thoughtless: Suddenly I get to the car accident, will be ill, I will start fat or something scary will happen to me? And I will never be able to act! "- confessed somehow Sharon Stone. On the same day, the star hurried to the insurance company. His body, which became so desirable for many after the release of the film" Main Instinct ", the actress rated several million dollars. Endless tours and air travel, overwork, stress, crazy fans and aggressive paparazzi - Yes, celebrities risk much more. After all, in their case, the loss of ability to work, health or beauty threatens also with superbates. If an ordinary girl is eager, she will just upset and throw out old jeans, A model can automatically lose a favorable contract. It would seem that public people should insure what is for them the most valuable. It is logical to assume that for the musician it's fingers, for a singer - a voice, for a mannequin - legs. In fact, the contracts are often executed in Hollywood. who are not given any logic.

Sharon Stone. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

Sharon Stone. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

Body as evidence

Lloyd's of London became a pioneer in the field of original insurance - Ironically, one of those companies that once concluded contracts with passengers of the crashing "Titanic". According to data that were recently published in the UK, the total amount of payments was one million pounds. For several years of work of this corporation in the field of exotic risks, people were convinced that they could insure anything and from anything. One of the first clients of Lloyd's of London was the actor of a silent movie Ben Torpin. Ben turned to the agent to insure ... his squint. He was so afraid that for any reason it disappears that the contract was made on a very impressive amount of the amount - twenty-five thousand dollars. Ben believed that this defect appearance gives his person a special expressiveness and, having lost it, he would lose his charm. Born tolets with normal eyes. And he earned the squint in his youth due to an accident. Familiar remembered that after each accidental strike on the head Ben fled to the mirror - check whether the eyes are still shattered.

People pay a lot of money to adjust the wrong bite. But the American comedian Ken Dodd insured his corporate "horse" smile at seven and a half million dollars. In childhood, friends persuaded Ken to ride a bike with eyes closed. The experiment ended in deplorable: the boy hit the border, fell and hit his head. The result of that long-standing PE and became famous teeth that helped Ken subsequently make a career. The artist came to the Guinness Book of Records - Once, he told one and a half thousand jokes for three and a half hours. His plates with jokes diverged by millions of circulations, but the comic himself believed that he would appreciate him not only for wit, but also for the forever shaggy her hair and, of course, for the long, sticking teeth. The insurers were surprised, but the contract was issued. True, Dodd had to take on some obligations: he lost the right to ride a motorcycle, sucking the lollipops and had to brush his teeth at least three times a day.

Thanks to the insurance policy, the world learned that Tina Turner values ​​his inimitable voice no more than ... legs. Both the "grandmother of rock and roll" appreciated three million dollars. Tina's insurance was designed for the tour of Europe, where he went with the tour. The singer's chest appreciated "Total-Nolcego" in seven hundred ninety thousand dollars. And the rest of the stellar body turned out to be even less valuable: the total amount of their insurance was only a million. The legendary Gina Lollobrigid is also very concerned about the preservation of the beauty of his bust. In 1981, she insured his chest for six hundred thousand dollars. The contract is extended every year, the expert follows the observance of its conditions: it thoroughly measures the distance between the belly and the tip of the breast of the actress. When it decreases to the figure specified in the contract (in other words, the famous bust will turn off), Lollobrigid will receive compensation due to it.

Gina Lollobrigid. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

Gina Lollobrigid. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis is one of the first Celebrity, who decided to take care of his flawless legs. For the period of filming the advertising video of the company producing stockings and tights, Jamie designed for a million dollars insurance. Then her act caused a stormy reaction. Well, the Hollywood stakes were worn out in wit, trying to assume how much the star receives, if, for example, the ankle cuts out during shaving! No less surprise caused the act of the famous English player to Cricket Merva Hughes. He insured ... his lush mustache! Until now, it is not clear how to suffer a mustache while playing cricket. It is not known what considerations were guided by Tom Jones (the singer who sold more than one hundred million discs) when he asked the broker to arrange the policy in case of hair loss on the chest. Despite such an exotic request, the company went to the star towards. And the most expensive "insurance of beauty" in the world - for one billion (!) Dollars - designed singer Mariah Carey. She decided to insure their "tool of earnings". Do you think this is a voice? Not at all. The singer believes it is legs. In 2006, Mariya signed a contract with a large advertising company to participate in the project "Feet of Goddess", after which its lower limbs began to cost a whole condition. Another famous singer - Beyonce, who repeatedly fell on stage and even somehow broke his nose during the performance, "I decided to insure ... my magnificent hair on a completely negleous amount is ten thousand dollars. Even a graduate of the Ukrainian "Star Factory" Arina Dski rated his hair more expensive - in thirty thousand euros. Golden curls - the subject of the pride of the young performer. She loves to tell that he spends at least two hours a day on her hairstyle. And the fans now and then want to check whether the singer's braids are real. "At one of the concerts in Mariupol, some kind of guy broke through the security and pulled out one of the pigs with all his strength," Arina says. - Secondly did not have time to react. With her hair, nothing serious happened, but the hairstyle and the mood were spoiled. " Therefore, the girl decided to protect themselves from risk.

But all these stories are faded, barely comes to Jennifer Lopez. After the ass singers recognized the most beautiful in the world, she also became the most expensive. Twenty-seven million dollars - it is in this amount that Lopez appreciated his fifth point. And now any "adventure on the ass" star is not scary. The Lavra of Hollywood Diva did not give peace of Russian TV presenter Marica. She is also very proud of its buttocks and decided to insure them. True, the insurers agreed to arrange the contract in just three hundred fifty thousand euros. Pop Marika is not so revered all over the world, therefore, the variation of prices will be explained.

Expensive pleasure

Insurers' insurers themselves are only glad: the more exotic is the reason for which the policy is purchased, the less likely that the insured event comes. But advertising from such shares of the company get a good. The first of our musicians insured his "working tool" - hands - guitarist Viktor Zinchuk.

Viktor Zinchuk. Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

Viktor Zinchuk. Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

The insurance company presented him as a PRESENT POLIS for five hundred thousand dollars. To use the compensation to Zinguk, fortunately, did not have to. And when the term of the advertising contract ended, the musician did not extend insurance with the payment of contributions. The press wrote a lot about Nicolae Baskov, who insured his voice to four million dollars. This is the first case in the history of domestic insurance, when the artist concluded a contract by listed in it all life risks, because of which his career may suffer. Now, if Nikolai does not be able to go on stage, having received injury or having witrated on the fault of the concert organizers, he will receive huge compensation. (Even Luciano Pavarotti rated his talent much more modest - one million dollars.)

Vitas, who recently became the hero of a loud scandal in connection with the race to the cyclist, so much appropriate with his vocal data, which, despite the presence of a policy of two and a half million dollars, regularly flies to the Foniatra - a specialist in voice from a voice that Selin Dion is observed And Madonna. In addition, his personal doctor follows the voice ligaments of the star.

Nevertheless, in some cases, insurers denied the famous customers. "A well-known sportsman-football player turned to us, who wanted to insure his male dignity, but we did not make a policy, motivating that his professional insurance and this includes any injuries," the representative of one of the Russian insurance companies told on an anonymity. When Madonna decided to insure a bust, she was politely advised to temper ambitions. After all, each singer rushed every six million (!) Dollars. A similar story happened to Valery Leontiev. The singer wished to protect himself from an accident during the jump on stage and arrange insurance on half a million dollars. But the broker, having grown about the sick knees of Leontyev, refused to register the policy on such a large amount. As a result, a Ten thousand dollars were signed. The fun situation has developed when making insurance Heidi Klum. The fact is that on the right knee the fashion model has a small scar. You can notice it, only if you look great. However, brokers decided that such a defect significantly reduces the value of the right leg of Heidi. As a result, her left leg insured two million dollars, and the right - only two hundred thousand. But Fearless Jackie Chan, who performs all the tricks on his own, without the help of cascaders, does not have any company to insure any company - what if the actor hurts on the shooting?

Facial account

Star treaties are based on the general incidence of accidents and diseases. Variations begin at the moment when a celebrity calls that part of the body that is particularly important for himself.

Claudia Schiffer. Photo: fotodom.ru.

Claudia Schiffer. Photo: fotodom.ru.

The main component in determining the amount of compensation becomes the client fees and the likelihood of an insured event. After that, study the habits of the star and her lifestyle. The celebrity fills the questionnaire, where he honestly answers questions about his age, bad habits, diseases, position in society and a circle of communication. For example, if the client is insured against a sharp increase in weight, he will have to pass a variety of analyzes, after which it becomes clear how physiologically inclined to completeness. After a detailed study of possible risks, the company can set a star to certain conditions. In our country, the owner of the largest "bodily" insurance is the singer Katya Razumovskaya. Her legs and chest are insured by a million euros, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the girl. She is prohibited by plastic surgery (breast increasing, liposuction, the use of corrective creams). Secondly, it should maintain a permanent weight - forty-seven kilograms. In order for nonsense to keep the leg, Katya is forced to give up riding walks, can not ride a bike, skiing, skating and rollers. If the singer is not like in something like that, she will have to pay a penalty.

Sometimes the presence of insurance can serve a star to the star. After the tragic incident with the actress Teresa Saldan, which the maniac struck fourteen knife wounds, disfigrating the face, Hollywood diva began to insure their appearance. Claudia Schiffer designed five million dollars polis. And once the insurance involved her in a rather unpleasant story. The star was filmed in the commercial of the French automotive company. According to the scenario in the final episode in the car where Claudia was located, airbags are triggered after the collision. Perspective to get a blow to the inflatable bag in the face seemed to the girl not very attractive, and she demanded a double. And got a refusal! "First, I turn for the safety of the car, and secondly, the whole world is known that your face is insured. So you have nothing to fear, "said the representative of the company. Fortunately, Schiffer appearance did not suffer.

Celebrities can afford any whim, and what will happen if it will make an exotic insurance wishes a simple mortal? It turns out that theoretically is possible. As representatives of insurance companies assure, the contract can be concluded at least to the end of life. The amount of compensation is limited only by the financial capabilities of the client. At the same time, the cost of such a non-standard type of insurance will be slightly higher than usual. But since our compatriots have preferred traditional types of insurance, there is no demand for such policies in Russia. Other business West. So, the twenty-old English woman Nicole Jones designed insurance in the case, if suddenly becomes ugly. For this, the happiness of Nicole annually gives the insurance premium of the order of two hundred pounds of sterling. In order for the insurer to pay it compensation, the size of which is determined by the six-digit amount, the woman should recognize the ugly commission out of ten builders. Her husband of the victim, who ... He himself is a builder.

Valeria Nechaeva

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