Preparing plum sauces for the winter


If you have your own garden, plums are recommended to collect in dry weather. And it is better to cut them with scissors together with the fruits, folding immediately into the storage container. Bied, fallen fruits from the tree for a long time will not be stored. It is better to keep the fruits that have a dusty shade appeared, it is he who testifies to ripening. It is impossible to rinse it. Large plums some hostesses are stored in boxes from the eggs in the refrigerator. You can store plums and on the balcony. Fruits need to be gently put in a wooden box, which should be shallow. Layers in such a box should be two, maximum three.

Plums can be frozen. For this they wash them, dried and removed the bone. Then lay on a plate or tray and removed into the freezer. When the fruits are frozen, they can be shifted into the bag and place back to the freezer.

Plums can be dried. For this, large fruits will be better suitable. They need to be washed, remove the fruits and bones. Stop baking papers with baking paper. Lay uniformly into one layer of sinks. Heat the oven to 50 degrees. Sew plum 5 hours. Give cool at room temperature. Turn over. Preheat oven to 70 degrees. Sew 6 hours. Give cool at room temperature. If the fruits did not reach, bring dried fruits to complete readiness at 75-80 degrees.


Cuisine: Caucasian

Category: Sauces

Cooking time: 30 minutes

The dish is calculated on: 10 people (a)

You will need: plums 1 kchechok 5 Tongshar 2,5 tbsp

Cooking method:


Plums put in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water and remove the skin from fruits. Sleep plums to skip through the meat grinder. Stay in a saucepan, add sugar and salt to taste. Put on a small fire. Boil. Cooking about 10 minutes, periodically stirring, so that the plum puree does not adhere to the saucepan.


In the blender chop garlic, sharp pepper and greens. Add seasonings and spices to plum. Mix. Put on fire. And to respect some more.


Hot spindle sauce over sterile banks and tighten with covers. Store in a cool dark place.


Cuisine: Caucasian

Category: Sauces

Cooking time: 1 hour

The dish is calculated on: 20 people (a)

You will need: plums 2 kchechok 3 gingerbread chili pepper 2 stsahar 8 tbshards black pepper 2 tsp 1 tbsp

Cooking method:


Plums place for 5 minutes in boiling water, rinse with cold water and remove the skin. Remove bones. Chile remove seeds. Plums, garlic and pepper skip through a meat grinder or break through a blender. Put in a saucepan, add sugar, salt and spices to add sugar. Boil.


Cook sauce on a small fire, constantly stirring, 30 minutes. Pour into sterilized banks, tighten with covers. Store in a cool, dark place.

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