How to dream and what you need to know that the dream becomes reality


"The thought of material" ... A few decades ago, this phrase caused a smile from everyone, but no, rather even a grin. It was something from the field of fiction or mysticism. But everything flows, everything changes. Science walks forward with sevenmile steps. And then the times came when this phrase became real and already has a scientific basis. Many domestic and foreign scientists such as Peter Kapitsa, Anatoly Okatrin, Kira Asipova, Peter Goryolov, Ch. Tych, Masara Emoto and others conducted many studies and put no one dozen experiments, the results of which are impressive. Thought really possesses strength and is able to influence what is happening processes! Thought is energy. And all that around us is also energy. We all know the fundamental law of nature - the law of conservation of energy (or rather the principle of energy conservation). If you say in simple language: "If it arrived somewhere, then somewhere and loss", or "the like attracts like". So that we want to get something in life, you must first give something, and it is not necessary that it should be something material, it may be, for example, your work, your energy. That the space was given, they got instead. Therefore, everything that happens to us in our life is the result of our mental activity. Managing his thoughts, you can manage your life.

And now let's look at what is a dream? Dream is primarily a thought. And the more clearly, it will be more clearly formulated, the greater the power and energy it will have and the more there will be a chance to come true. For example, your dream "I want a lot of money." But money is just a means to achieve the goal and obtain the desired, and not the subject itself. Therefore, hardly such a dream will come true. And if you present, for which you need a lot of money, for example, to buy a car, then your desire gets a completely different form, more specific. And then you already in thoughts can feel in detail the subject of your dreams. To do this, you need to relax as much as possible and do not resist, give the will of your imagination and submit a picture as much as possible. Mark every small detail, your mood, your feelings that you see that hear how they react to all that happens, what feelings you have it causes. For example, a car of a certain brand, model, colors, year of release. Imagine how you approach it, spend your hand on its surface, feel it warm or cool. Open the door, sit down on the seat, feel the smell of the cabin, etc. Imagine all the actions that you make with this car, everything is up to a slight piece. Your ideas should be close to real. Return to this thought regularly, as if you already have a car in real life. These thoughts will give positive emotions that will fill you with positive energy and make you act. Therefore, in order for a dream to come true to work hard. Even Emel in a famous fairy tale was to get up from the furnace, take buckets and go to the drubby water, where he caught a miraculous pike. Your actions must be melted. Specify the real deadlines for the implementation of the plan. Write all items from your first step to the last. And act. Your dream should be your goal in life. And to goals you need to go, and not lie on the furnace.

The main thing is to believe in your dream. Catch off all doubts and fears. And then your dream will become a reality! "

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