Draw a man of your dreams



We need a psychologist. I am 31 years old and I still am not married. And I really want a family! And I want to tie my life not ababa with whom, but with a good person. It seems not urba. There is a higher education. I work quite successfully. But with men somehow not folded. What do you advise? Are there any ways to find a satellite of life? Elena".

Hello, Elena!

Meet the satellite of life is definitely possible. The most important thing is not to sit at home and do not wait for the prince on white "Mercedes," will speak a bunch of compliments, it will sing the serenade and walked in gifts.

The first thing from what should be started is to behave a question: "What is he, a man of my dream?" Try it in detail to describe it, you can even in writing for clarity. And then ask yourself: Is there such a man? And, if the answer is positive, the next step will be a list of places where you can presumably you can meet such a person. Whatever trite sounds, try more often to go where it is easiest to meet. After dating it is necessary to give your chosen one to understand that he is interested in you, what you need it. All this is not easy. Often women resist the idea of ​​looking for a satellite of life, and even besides, somehow show your sympathy. This happens, firstly, by virtue of the stereotypes in our culture that the woman needs to conquer. At the same time, she does not have to show any activity. And secondly, this is the consequence of the idea of ​​the idea that someone should do everything for us. When a child is born, they care for him, fed, shoe, worn in their hands - in general, they serve all its needs. If the child gets attention more necessary, when he grows, he remains conviction that all the problems for him should solve others. As a result, thanks to these two reasons, an irrational conviction is formed, preventing himself to feel like a master of his life. But the world around us is not able to make us happy, only we themselves are responsible for this and in the power to change something. So first let's give a man the opportunity to find you. The anecdote is very significant on this topic, when the man is praying to God, asks for money, and God hears him and thinks: "How will I send him money? He would have bought a lottery ticket! " So do not miss your chance, buy tickets packs;)

Another important point is not to meet the cold signs of the man. After all, many of us live myth that a woman should be impregnable. And with this you need to be careful. After all, each man has the experience of being rejected woman, often since the kindergarten (boys are brought up by mothers and teachers in kindergartens, as a rule, women). And he doesn't want to repeat this experience at all. The wounded heart of the child often hides behind the harsh appearance. So the man is important to give to understand that he is important and interesting. In general, recognition is the best way to place a person to yourself. So show genuine interest in his life, let me talk about yourself and about those things in which he is competent. So gradually you will become important and necessary for him by a person. Of course, you should not fall into another extreme. It is worth trying to balance between excessive activity and passivity - and that, and the other scares men.

Another small advice that can be useful. Remember movies with happy love stories. Track the woman's behavior model. Perhaps with some techniques you use;) the most win-win version is to simulate your image for a particular man. Talk to him before, try to figure out what he appreciates in people, and that it repels. And try to navigate the information received. Again, do not overdo it - this behavior model will have to match the whole life. And avoid being very perfect and impeccable, and then it will become a living reproach of his imperfection for him.

And finally, it is possible that in formal signs a man will suit you, and the heart will not reset. And vice versa. So most importantly, what attention should be paid is the coincidence of life goals and principles, as well as sexual compatibility.

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