How to keep sparks to the partner years


The statistics of divorces in Russia are sad: in just January-April of this year, about 150 thousand couples officially dissolved the marriage, as RT reports with reference to Rosstat. It is not known that it motivated those people to stop relations, but one thing is clear - the divorce becomes an extreme degree of family conflict. If both people are interested in preserving the Union and maintain close relationships with each other, then after 30-40 years of marriage, they will look at each other with a smile, and not with disgust. He knows how to carry love for the partner after a year.

Become better friends

Intimate relationships, full passions and desires are, no doubt, great. True, in addition to sex, in your life there should be time for frank conversations and discussing events of the day. Friendship definitely strengthens marriage: it makes no sense to change the partner and leave a person who knows you by heart. The more you spend time on conversations, the closer becomes in relation to each other - learn about the problems, ideas and desires of the partner. It helps to stay on the same wave and do not waste time on "imagging" the meaning of the words of a partner when you can ask him "What did you mean?" directly.

Find a time for each other in a series of family affairs

Find a time for each other in a series of family affairs

Watch your appearance

Physical attractiveness is that the first thing attracts us to each other at the time of dating. Keep the long-burning fire, supporting the slightness of the shape and smoothness of the skin. Signs of aging sooner or later overtake you, but if the meeting time with them can be moved to 10-15 years, why not do it? Engage in the gym, run in the fresh air, moisturize the skin and regularly go to the beautician. Together with a developed brain and a clean soul, you will never lose interest in yourself, and therefore will be interested in a loved one. Yes, and no one canceled jealousy as a motivator to development: seeing attention to you from other men, your loved one will take care of you even more.

Find reasons for pride

Praise the spouse for the thrown garbage and washed the dishes, as women's magazines usually advise, we will not teach you, because care for the house and children is your common duty. But to express gratitude for the unexpectedly presented bouquet of flowers or your pride, the gentle of her husband in relation to those who needless will not be superfluous. When you love your man and sincerely proud of them, it can be seen with the naked eye. And since a person is a social being, then with the praise of others, anyone flourishes and wants to give good back. What we will lay, then get enough: your lover will pour compliments in response.

Men happy gifts no less women

Men happy gifts no less women

Kindness for no reason

It is not necessary to dream of an expensive fur coat or a new car to offer a favorite to make a massage or buy movie tickets. Men are not less than women rejoice in gifts and love when they take care of them. Use the opportunity to raise your spouse's mood after the working day with a cute gift or help him with domestic duties to free up time for a romantic dinner. Making a happy other, you get happy yourself. The law of a long marriage is sincere desire to be together. It will not disappear anywhere if your union is full of pleasant moments and a relaxed atmosphere reigning in the family.

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