Anxious "call": what to do that the child got into a bad company


Unfortunately, bad companies that are formed in high school have not remained in the past, and it is hardly possible to fix something in the near future. No child is insured against the evil influence of peers, however, it is precisely parents who can make that the consequences of the most pleasant hobbies of their child will not be as deplorable. What makes moms and dads in such a difficult situation?

No aggression

Aggression gives rise to response aggression, and if it happened that your child was in a group of other children or adolescents, with whom neither the teacher, nor other parents, nor social services can cope, is the worst thing that can come to your head - start Criticize your child, insult his new friends and set hard prohibitions. You will call only sharp discontent and, believe me, the child will find ways to bypass your prohibitions and return to the usual way of life. In addition, the head of the parents can lead to complete rejection, and if earlier the child shared with you many moments from his life, now it will hide everything. Show patience and in no way give - when there is no pressing, it will find out the necessary information will be much easier.

Do not criticize your child

Do not criticize your child


Switch attention to yourself

Often a bad company becomes the replacement of the parent company. In a mad rhythm of life, when parents from one work run not home, but in another office, it becomes very difficult to find time for a child. The child is looking for a way out of the situation when he cannot contact him, and often finds him in an unnecessary society. To blame in this child is difficult. Try to reconsider your lifestyle so that you have enough time not only for yourself and your hobbies, but also on the feelings of our most important person - your child.

Do not raise the child

Reverse problem - you show too much unnecessary attention to the passions of the child, which are difficult to call negative. Many parents are suspicious about the passion of Chad by the same rock music, considering it pampering, worse when the parent begins to make fun of the child's talents, showing his superiority. Naturally, the child will look for support surrounded by peers, and no one knows what these children or adolescents will be.

Show interest in your child's friends

Do you know who is communicating with your child? Some knowledge can boast rare parents, especially those who work overtime. Are you sure your child has contacted people who affect him badly? Try to find out yourself. Invite them to visit, naturally, unobtrusively. You can not even organize anything specifically, just offer the child somehow invite your friends to sit at your home, and at the same time, too, be at home. Perhaps after familiarizing with children, you change your opinion, in any case, you will have the opportunity to assess the level of danger personally.

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