Pavel Delong: "I'm not going anywhere with my personal life."


Pavel Delong is a purebred Pole, but for a long time he is considered an actor of an international level. At one time, he was more rented outside Poland, in the same Russian, America, France and other European countries. Today, Paul dreams that in his native country he had more projects and better. But, as he himself admits, it turns out as it turns out. Therefore, when he happens to break, his hand stretches to the book, which he considers the best friend.

- You somehow have published a post that the hand stretches to buy books, although the shelves in the house are broken from them. Are you such a frantic bookman?

- Oh, well, yes! And where to take everything, if not from books? Where does the world understanding? Undoubtedly, life experience, a school that gave a lot has long been completed, so now a book is a specific source of information. This is a spark. Today, the books that I buy, or I am looking for, all are related to the theme telling about the Great Smoot of the XVII century. It is in it that I am entirely immersed and is passionate about it. And it is connected with the fact that now I am preparing a project. I am writing a script with my wonderful colleague. This is the continuation of the history of my first film, which I removed, "Son Sabli." His, by the way, was shown in Russia. Here are these books I read specifically now. They need them. And, of course, I still work with historians, they help me very much. After all, the information needs to be found for the truthful presentation of this difficult theme. And so books are the windows in the past, to the future, currently. And if we want to understand yourself, understand the world around, feel, live - please, books to help you. I think nothing better than books, we will not find. Even movies that may inspire, this is not at all the same. The film will last only two hours, and we read the book for a week or two. This is different. We personally communicate with the author, with his world, which he composed. And most importantly, we will enliven yourself and give our shell the heroes. Such, what we see them only. The book is a magic tool, time machine. And this is good. And then, that is important, the books are nice to keep in your hands. These are wonderful sensations. When I need to go somewhere, I immediately swears the thought: "My God, you still need a kilogram of three books with you." And this, of course, is inconvenient. Therefore, I now have ipad, but I do not like it. He does not give me any tactile pleasure. Because of this, my houses lie everywhere. I think it is already necessary to hang new shelves. Already this morning I thought about it when I drew attention to the fact that on the floor lies about forty books.

- And who instilled you love for reading?

- Ha ha ha, communism. Seriously. When it was in the 80s restlessly in Poland, I wanted to dive somewhere. We were then popular with some good authors. One of them was Henrich Senkevich. I referred to him with "fire and sword", "Crusaders", "Flood", and "in the desert and in the forest" was the first book I read on my own. I then proudered himself. After all, I was only eight years old, and the book was big, fat. Then I plunged into the magical worlds of other authors. For me, Angey Sapkovsky was opened for me, who wrote "The Witcher", now he is known to everyone, but we have already knew him in the early 80s, Alfred Sklensky with a series of books about Domek, a teenage boy, who with her father took part in the adventures In all corners of the world since the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, the hero still fought for independent Poland. In general, everything fell into one big bunch. (Laughs.) But at school, when it was necessary to read world literature in Polish, I often lazy. Although some books gave me great pleasure. By the way, the books have become a good start for me so that I entered the world of cinema, in the world of the same Spielberg, which I first got out. It is thanks to the books that I began to take off. I found a window for myself, followed by adventure, a different life. I could feel it otherwise, deeper, truly. And one more important thing: my generation had a huge desire, a dream, so that we live in the normal world, as in the West, it seemed to us then. But today the Western system works worldwide. And now there has been an inverse desire - find some other niche. And the books in this matter will undoubtedly help.

- Admit, and your son Paul set love to books?

- Yes, he reads. True, something is yours. I don't even know what. But it was always that, new generations were looking for their new authors. But, as it is neither paradoxically, they always started with the classics. I was always fascinated and gave me a big impetus to the creativity of the classic of Russian literature. But this is not so popular in Poland for the current generation. I'm afraid they just don't know much. No time. Smartphones in hand. Short information. Gadgets in principle somewhere repel the people from being serious readers. But I hope that there are still people for whom reading is an important part of their lives.

Pavel Delong:

"If we want to understand ourselves, understand the world around, feel, live - please, books to help you"

Photo: Personal archive

- What does Paul do? I heard that it is also associated with a movie, but not an actor.

- Yes, he is not an actor, he makes attempts to become a producer, be in their environment. He is still looking for what he is interested in what he needs in life than he wants to do.

- Take part in his fate? Often meet?

- I accept, but this is already his fate. You can come and talk to your father, dinner, meet, or go together to rest, note our holidays together. Of course, we have our personal life. But, unfortunately, now almost everyone lives in isolation due to coronavirus. Therefore, our joint events in which we could participate with him: to go to the movies, visit theaters, ride the concerts, rest on vacation, are canceled, there are practically no of them now. We now have a domestic life. But he likes to cook food. He is a good cook, so always waiting for His invitations to visit. Thank you, reminded, I invite him today with a girl. (Laughs.)

- You confess that in childhood in Krakow were yard hooligan, what was the same?

- Hooligan is an exaggeration. Most likely, I was a fighter by nature. It was necessary to just fight for her with teenagers, with whom he was friends, lived, played. Thank God, we had a big yard company youth. We were engaged in sports, even organized sports competitions at the beginning of the eighties, when Poland was in a state of war. But the world of adults did not touch us, although we were all a little rebar. And we communicated if not in school, then in the yard. That was great. In principle, not a mother, not dad, not a church, and the yard raised me. But not in the sense that we are hooligani there, we were obedient guys. Always returned home, drose, washed, studied. And then I went to the sport. And the sport for me was the second home. Volleyball, football, light athletics, I am very enthusiastically practiced. It was the second part of my life.

- And today you have to deal with the place under the sun?

- Constantly. Always when I look at the young people who love very much, I like that they have a future, they can be compared with a book yet written. They have hope and confidence in the heart that tomorrow will be better than today. All adults and old people got in their lives, and more than once, on the head. The fate of them bathed. And they hurt, like craft ships, sick themes. I believe that it is very important to keep somewhere inside my child, whom we were all, and never forget about it. This is very important and necessary. Without this, we lose the taste of life. We are not going there and not so. It is necessary not only to keep in mind, but also to try through relations with other people to participate in creative development in order to maintain the sensitivity that was in childhood.

Pavel Delong:

"The Son likes to cook food. He is a good chef, so always waiting for his invitations to visit "

Photo: Personal archive

- You chose at the Higher Theater School, although I have submitted documents after high school and at the Physical Academy, and Jurfak National University of Yagelonia? Never a doubt in the selected profession chosen by the artist path?

- Doubts ... they are, and they always appear. This is such a profession in which there is something important for humans, something higher than he himself. True, for some it is important that they were considered absolutely beautiful artists, with celestialists, praised them, and they would be treated on the laurels, but mostly, these are bad artists. And there are those that always go to where they need to be expelled to understand something in the acting profession, the knowledge of themselves, understanding in general what is happening in the world. This is an interesting way, but I always wondered not only acting. I was interested in everything related to this profession - both director, and production, and writing scenarios. So I practically develop on all these venues. Moreover, I think that success is very important. But success must, of course, stand money, because this is a business. And it is correct, if you do art, then in the end think about where it is to sell that people are interested and necessary, as their brand, business sell, getting money for it. Without it in any way. And these times of the 60s and 70s, when the masters could do incredibly beautiful films, performances, when they rejoiced from what could communicate, drink wine, vodka with like-minded people - they will not return. We are all now in the distribution and rental system. I'm not saying that it is bad. It's no secret that it is very nice to receive various grants to your work, but for this you just need to try to be very honest before yourself.

- Why do you think the mentality you do not have Polish, although you are a purebred Pole?

- I lived most of my life outside of Poland in different countries. This is Russia, and France, I starred a lot where. Learned several languages. And I confess, although I am a purebred Pole, not everything that happens in Poland, I like it. Unfortunately. On the one hand, I love my country and proud of it, and on the other, there are sick themes. This applies to, for example, the Polish mentality. I would really wanted it to be different. But each nation has its own patients. And the Poles are not better and no worse than other nationalities. But from other crops, you can also take for yourself what is needed that it is useful. It is important to disclose yourself not only in one country. It is much more interesting. This is as a parable about the eagle who dropped the chick from the nest, and which the chickens brought up. When he saw a big eagle, to the question of who it was, the chicken answered him: "This is an eagle, but you don't think about him because you are a rooster." It is somehow about us all. There are many around people who won't want you to become an eagle, it is more profitable for them to remain chicken. This can be said about the power that does not want society to be brought up with a good and big culture, it is always a problem. Therefore, people instill other needs and desires, more landed and simple.

- What are your professional desires?

- Life is changing. I am in the profession almost 30 years old. I have more than 120 paintings. Now I am doing my own. I am preparing two projects in Poland. There is another Ukrainian big and interesting. There are in Russia, in the Czech Republic. There is something to do. Of course, I would like more and better in Poland, but it turns out as it turns out. Therefore, I always say that everything is in our hands, it all depends on ourselves.

- What do you put in the chapter angle when choosing a role, when deciding to agree on it or not?

- originality and director. Then, when we begin to communicate with the director, then we understand, we found each other, or not, we will give something a positive project in a duet. The main thing is that the contract for this time has not yet been signed. (Laughs.)

- You actor famous, and the famous frequently rider is pretty tough. What is he?

- Why do you think so? Well, imagine, you live more than half a year not at home; Would you like your living conditions of life terrible? It is unrealistic because we need to relax so that this small part of your life is close to the cozy homemade. Therefore, I always somehow try to be simply normal comfortable conditions for creativity and life.

"I don't think absolutely everyone needs to share with everyone. There is some kind of space that should stay for us and with us "

"I don't think absolutely everyone needs to share with everyone. There is some kind of space that should stay for us and with us "

Photo: Personal archive

- Who is more interesting, who do you like to remove and play with a partner or partner?

- It does not matter at all. It is important that it was a talented person.

- What is the main thing for you in a partner?

- His life experience, his sense of humor, approach to the profession. In short, he or not. That's all.

- When you are asked to take pictures on the street, you agree or are trying to otmazy?

- I agree. But we have a pandemic in the yard, so I try not to do this now. In principle, I never refuse. Although it happens on the site, it happens, the crowd begins to ask. But there I do not always want, I am busy there with other affairs.

- And what do you have today with the theater?

- One performance with replay. And while I'm not going to the theater. But there is a desire. And if there are interesting offers, I will not refuse. Now I'm just busy, as I said, I am writing a script. And this loads me on the full program. I have three more projects. And it takes a lot of time and effort. So far I have a movie, telepostects, work screenwriter and director. While this is my present and future.

- You somehow confessed me that you add a book about your personal life, did she already come out?

- No, I frozen her, slowed down the process. I decided to add thirty interest even percent. But I will return necessarily.

- Your fans love to read about your novels, many of which are invented how you yourself say, but you yourself in conversations do not touch the cases of heart, why?

- What for? I do not think that absolutely everyone needs to share with everyone. There is some space that should stay for us and with us. And if you tell about it, then only in the book that I did. That's right, keep something for yourself. I love to push a little mystery. (Laughs.)

- Attitude towards your rank of sex symbol?

- I have no relation to him. It's just funny. And that's it.

- What kind of family for you?

- Charge and rest. But this is a job. The family needs to be engaged. Lost your heart. Family is a family! Wisely said, right? (Laughs.)

- How to support physical form: Gym, diet, proper nutrition, long sleep or something else?

- I support the same way as all people who try to look good. It is very important, even more so during the periods of quarantines, so that we slept well, they were not nervous, they fed themselves right, they were engaged in physical education. Be sure to take vitamins to maintain the body. It is necessary to help him, so that if something - pah, pah, pah, he had excellent immunity. Therefore, smoking must be refused, it is important now. After all, the pandemic will last, so the year or two will be such a situation. Yes, difficult times.

- Do you smoke?

- It happens, bribing. (Laughs.) A bit. But I know that it is wrong. When I'm trying to minimize, then one cigarette is obtained a day. But on the site I smoke more cigarettes. Out of it, it happens, in general I do not take the mouth.

- Did you somehow say that in our convictions are Sibarit and the Hedonist, what are investing in these concepts?

- All this taste for life. In principle, this is what we eat, what we dress with whom we communicate. This is a conversation, social ties. I'm not talking about gadgets now. I am talking about personal relationships with other people. This and fun, as we gradually make Italians and the French. For good communication, you need a cheerful company. We need people, from communicating with whom we would benefit. But this is less and less today. But I do not know why this happens.

- You are extremely loved in Russia, as you think, that's why you are credited with many love romance?

- There is such a moment, I do not go anywhere with my personal life. If I have my love, I guess I would have to introduce it to the public. Probably it would be quieter and hiding. Now just just my appearance on the set in a project with some actress, and immediately - Bach - I attribute a novel. (Laughs.) It happens like this, but we do not always live your life. We do not always have an impact on what they are talking about us. But people will always have an interest in personal life, stoke up their favorite actors and actresses.

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