Polina Maksimova: "After the victory in Cannes, my phone book was kept"


No matter how the skeptics above the visualization of dreams, Polina Maksimov is confident that the desires are performed, you need the right promise. Recognizing that in her life it was full of deception and betrayal, the actress just like her heroine from the television series "257 reasons to live," did not have to enjoy happy moments. The series about the cancer girl received many responses of the audience, brought actress award Cannes Series and ... helped to meet a loved one - Actor Egor Koreshkov. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Polina, this year was hard for all of us, but I know that you have and very joyful events ...

- Yes, first of all, this is the output of the series "257 reasons to live", which has become very significant work for me. So it's nice that the audience, and colleagues noted him.

"You won the Best Performance nomination at the Cannes Series International Festival, were recognized as the best actress of the series in Europe. But because of the pandemic, the ceremony took place in the online format. Where were you at that moment when the award found the hero?

- I was at home. I was ready to fly to Cannes through Istanbul, get there with aircraft, steamboats. But Cannes declared a "red zone", to get to the ceremony for foreigners did not seem to be possible. I had to watch it on the Internet, it was a shame that I could not pass along the red walkway - after all, I had full right for it! On the day of the announcements of the winners, the organizers called me and warned that from twelve hours I was in touch. And here I am all on the nerves, with a mother-in-law, waiting for a call from France, and so coincided that on this day I had another premium, the Russian magazine to which it was necessary to prepare. And then, as it came out, the drops for the eyes are over. I call the organizers: "Can I move back to the pharmacy for a short one?" - "Yes, yes, you have for fifteen minutes." And so, when I already stood in the coat in the corridor, to go out, the call rang ... I remember vaguely, they called me from the personal phone Chairman of the Commission and announced that I won the Best Performance nomination. I remember, my ears laid - probably, the pressure jumped, and hysterics began - I began to laugh frantically, tears splashed out of the eyes. At this time, at this time there was a conference in Zoom, some samples, I break into the room, shout, jumping - in general, it was an incredible sensation that I could not even compare with anything. (Laughs.)

Polina Maksimova:

Jumpsuit, Genny; jacket (fur fox), "fur of Catherine"; shoes, christian louboutin; Earrings, necklace and bracelets from the Classic collection, all - Mercury

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- That is, Egor was the first one who divided this joy with you?

- Yes. Then I immediately called my mother and the director of our series Maxim Sveshnikov, who was not less dumbfounded than me. (Laughs.)

- The prize you have not kept in your hands?

- Due to the closure of the borders, he has not yet reached Russia. Very waiting for this.

- What is the reward for you? Recognition, evidence that you are on the right track?

- You all correctly formulated. The award has never been for me in itself, I do not work for this. But it's nice and great to obtain acknowledgment of colleagues, and at the international level. When you look at a foreign language, it is not always possible to notice and evaluate some nuances associated with speech, but in the case of "257 reasons to live" - ​​people in the hall did not even need a translation, they all felt and understood. And this means that everything turned out. And this is absolute proof that I am on the right track.

- At the same time, in this series, so many Russian mentality, it seems to me, only we can understand it.

- Yes, and nevertheless, "257 reasons to live" saw in Cannes, I also wrote a lot of French in Instagram. I was congratulated by the chairman of the jury Cannes Series Roxan Meskida. They could simply declare the winners on the official part, but, according to her, they were so touched by my work, which they considered it necessary to inform me personally. I was madly nice!

- especially considering that lately we receive only sanctions from the global community.

- Intense situation is now in the world. Difficult attitude towards our country. And festivals, no matter how the reverse, all the same part of the policy. It's nice that the organizers turned out to be higher than this, because art should unite people. Art should give hope. I think "257 reasons to live" - ​​just such a story about faith in the best.

- Where did this figure come from - it is 257? I read that the screenwriters were looking for some statements on the forums, read the stories of people who shared their experiences.

- I do not know, maybe. After all, the reasons for living much more. (Smiles.) But the digit is beautiful. Whether the coincidence is, but Alexei Lyapicheva, our scenario, ends at 257. It turned out by chance, at the presentation of the second season.

Polina Maksimova:

Dress, Forte Forte; Palantine (fox fur), "fur of Catherine"; sandals, jimmy choo; Earrings from the Classic collection, necklace and bracelet from the Flower collection, all - Mercury; HAPPY SPORT, CHOPARD

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- After the premiere, you were asked what you would have implemented in this list. And you said: do horseback riding, learn Spanish, jump with a parachute, ride skating on Lake Baikal. Something from the ideas managed to implement?

- I have not gotten to Baikal yet, but I have Egor ...

- Yes, it was the most important desire of the heroine - find love.

- And I also found her too. (Smiles.). But I wanted to say that it was Egor - the main organizer of my dream. Not so long ago, he invited me to an amazing date. We spent time outside the city, and in one day he woke me at four in the morning: "Polina, get up, take a thing, just getting stewed." I am in bewilderment: we did not have anything planned. I ask what is happening? Replies: "Surprise". We arrived at some field, looking around - for salutes is still too early. Maybe breakfast at dawn? But where is the table, plaid? (Laughs.) Then suddenly the balloon appears, and in five minutes we are already treated above the Istroy, over the Jerusalem monastery, and we observe the dawn in the sky. Incredible, stunning sensations! I could not even dream about such a dream! It was some kind of children's delight. The balls are always associated with the holiday, and, in my opinion, in any age you have given them, you enjoy this as a child. And if the ball is also so big that you can fly, is just a miracle, magic.

- What do you think the film gave a romantic message to your relationship?

- In general, the fact that Egor drew attention to the girl with such a hairstyle, for me surprisingly. When I decided not to use for the role of plastic makeup, but having tried to sleep, I clearly understood that there would be immersion in other reality. Girl with bald head defenseless and vulnerable in front of others. We, even sometimes without giving themselves in this report, are a little barely of such people.

- Have you felt it on yourself?

- Yes, I felt in full, that this is a different degree of insecurity from this world. But I realized that parted with the hair was the most beautiful and right solution on my part. It helped me and reset the very, and reliably play a person who passed this path. But I thought that for the next couple of years, I did not see any personal life for me while the hair would not repent again. I have a pet, red cat, so we will live together. (Laughs.) Egor surprised me. How could he fall in love with a bald girl? In general, he told that before we had already intersected on samples, but I do not remember that. According to him, I then starred in the TV series "Deffchonki", was a luxurious long-haired blonde, but for some reason he did not like. (Laughs.)

- He confessed in one of the interviews that he fell in love with your talent, while working on the set.

"It's nice to hear that, but I somehow awkward." (Smiles.)

- After the victory in Cannes? You are modest.

- Victory does not give the right to relax and rest on the laurels. For the actor, this is still a big responsibility. When I ask me a question about Oscar (and I hate this question), I answer that I just don't think about it in my work. Because it is the highest acting award, and you do not have the right to lower the bar, play worse. Every time you have to prove that it was rightly awarded such a honor. But in the filmmaking far, not everything depends on the acting game, not so many good scenarios now appear. The bet is made on computer graphics, special effects, and there is little sense for it. Everything is too simplistic, there is no allegory, Ezopov language.

Polina Maksimova:

Dress, simona corsellini; Scarf (fur of a sable), "fur of Catherine"; Shoes, Elisabetta Franchi; Earrings, necklace and bracelet from Color collection, bracelet from the Classic collection, bracelet from the Heart collection, all - Mercury; Gloves, style of stylist

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And for you, the talent is important to fall in love?

- Yes, definitely. And I speak now not only about the husband-female relationship. When you watch people who burn with their own business, you can not admire them. At that moment, when they are busy with creativity, they completely forget about everything around. They no matter how they look. And it really fascinates. With such people you want to be near, they want to learn and spiritually grow. Let them sometimes uncomfortable, introverted, live in their own world, are in no hurry to open to everyone and everyone, but those attractive. So I want to be an interesting person, personality! (Smiles.)

- But living side by side with geniuses is very hard.

- Unbearable, it's true. It is difficult to be in one energy space with them. But, I confess, I myself am a difficult person. I do not like large companies, parties. I am a house. To pull me out of the house, I don't even know what you need.

- Balloon.

- Yes, something like that. (Smiles.) I do not like to go to secular events, I think it's not enough about it.

- Do you coincide with Egor?

- Yes. We are together in our beautiful world, and we are so good and comfortable that we do not really need communication. Even in terms of social networks, I am not active enough. I can not force myself by counting attendance statistics, make posts in a strictly defined time, not at the destruction of the soul, but because it is necessary. I believe social networks were created in order to receive feedback. I like to share thoughts. Sometimes I post on my page some parables, the poems that were touched me. I want to hear the response, a response, and not just get a ficker under his own selfie. Let me be not so many subscribers, but they will be real. I recently reviewed the interview with Andrei Konchalovsky (he came to the program for Posnor), and he told about the film "Sin" about Michelangelo. It turns out that the brilliant Creator was ashamed to live at one time - because of the cruelty, ignorance reigned at that time. For some reason, this topic touched me. After all, sometimes it is so difficult for us, for which we are ashamed. And I would, of course, asked this question to my subscribers. These topics I want to raise.

- Maybe it's more interesting to discuss in your circle?

- I have a very narrow circle of people with whom I can mean something to discuss. After the victory in Cannes, my phone book was very kept.

- Not everyone succeeds sincerely happy for someone else's success?

- Yes, to put it mildly. This is a mentality: we are happy to be ready to embarrass and sympathize. Ready to pour off the offender, together crying together. But to rejoice and chanting the successes of another person - few people are capable of it. The test "copper pipes", glory is important not only for the artist, but also for his environment. I felt very well for himself. With many old friends we broke up. You can say, and close friends are left except family.

Dress, simona corsellini; Earrings, necklace and bracelet from Color collection, bracelet from the Classic collection, bracelet from the Heart collection, all - Mercury; Gloves, style of stylist

Dress, simona corsellini; Earrings, necklace and bracelet from Color collection, bracelet from the Classic collection, bracelet from the Heart collection, all - Mercury; Gloves, style of stylist

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- But you are already very calm about this.

- Probably I matured and wondered. (Laughs.) When we are younger, sometimes even trying to cultivate depressive moods, reflecting on the imperfection of this world. I used to be very painful of betrayal. Now it began to treat this more philosophically. Run - and left. So, the place is free for something new in life. No matter how cynically, it will sound, there is some kind of shelf life and in people, and in relationship. The universe knows the best way. Thanks for the period of time in which we were friendly, loved, happy. But when the roads diverge, do not blame anyone and keep offense, it will not be better from this. We must go further.

- Some caution appeared in personal relationship? Is there a grid that surrounds the heart - in case something bad happens?

- It seems to me, it is impossible for something bad to prepare in advance. You never know how to behave in a situation where the trouble comes. Everything can be overcome, the main thing is that everyone is alive and healthy. Nerves must be protected. Here I absolutely know for myself that all my diseases are psychosomatics. For example, I see the installation of the film and get upset, because I remember how this movie was filmed, how much strength, the energy was invested, and the result disappointed. You feel the condition of complete impotence, because you can't change anything. Probably, it is necessary to perceive "working moments" calmer, but I have not learned yet. All with regard to work, I worry very sharply.

- And the man also has an actor and, probably, the person is emotional. Are you trying to help each other at such moments?

- Naturally, when you live in the acting family, you become a witness as victories and creative disappointments. We are both artists, so we select faithful words and arguments for each other, why do not be upset. But, apparently, we met with Egor to the right, "adult" period. With regard to samples and castings, we have both understanding: mine will not leave me. How many times it was that some kind of project went out, where I was not approved, and I, what is called, I exhaled: "And well, that they did not take!" Never I have experienced annals, on the contrary, relief.

- And it happens that some kind of film is very like, and you do not?

- Constantly! We generally tastes are different, ranging from the choice of clothing and ending the cinema. Egor, for example, the absolute fan of the film "Manchester by the Sea". I tried to see it four times, but never was able to master to the end. I confess, I did not see there a great acting work, for which Casey Affleck received an Oscar. I understand that the Hita Ledger gave this award posthumously. And here ... it is not clear. And only looking at the film about the film, where they all worn and explained to me, I realized what the deep plan of the director. And Egor believes that it is just the highest pilot, a great game. We argue a lot, and sometimes not to swear, they simply disperse in different rooms. I am in female wisely leaving the continuation of the dialogue. (Laughs.)

Jacket, Giuseppe di Morabito; HAT, LYA GUREVA; Earrings from the Classic collection and brooch from the Flower collection, all - Mercury; Brooch from the Muse collection, GarRard; Watch from the La Strada, Chopard collection

Jacket, Giuseppe di Morabito; HAT, LYA GUREVA; Earrings from the Classic collection and brooch from the Flower collection, all - Mercury; Brooch from the Muse collection, GarRard; Watch from the La Strada, Chopard collection

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- It is not scary that you are so different?

- Not. On the contrary. Can you imagine how it would be bored always to coincide in opinions? I even alarming me when people converge in everything, some kind of gamble game is felt. There is neither personality or position. We have the right creative disputes with Egor, and sometimes truth is born in them. Sometimes we can even convince each other. (Smiles.) It is useful and curious to know another point of view. Or when we discuss read books ...

- ... Does Egor too like to read? Wash your library?

- Sure. He also has a library, and we constantly appear something new. I recently had to buy a bookcase, because it's just nowhere to put books. We with Egor with frequent guests of bookstores, and confess, this is the essential part of the family budget.

- Which of the latest book purchases made the most impression on you?

- Anatoly Mariengoof "Cynika". Absolute Charm! I hope the readers of the "Atmosphere" are familiar with this novel, and those who have not read ... I even envy - they have such a thrill in front!

- It is good that the repair you did before they began to live with Egor. You at least did not have these hot disputes about what color should be wallpaper.

- I made repairs in my apartment, and now we live outside the city and are just in a state of repair. So the Texas chainsaw massacre in full swing: we argue about the color of the walls in the living room, and the tiles in the bathroom. I love the classic English style, and Egor Fan modern. Cheekbones are sometimes due to the fact that you have to look for a compromise. We still can't choose outlets. (Laughs.) It turns out that this is a very difficult question - buying sockets, lamps, doors, especially when the choice is huge. A lot of time and strength is spent on hiking on construction stores. We have already passed all stages: denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance. (Laughs.) But, on the other hand, we draw our life, the house in which you should be comfortable. Therefore, you need to be wisdom, tact and mutual understanding, look for balance.

- What is the concept of "home comfort" for you?

- For me, the comfort is a family at the table and a constantly purring cat, who needs to know that the cake, which we now eat is completely incredible. (Laughs.)

- How did the cat accepted a new person in the family?

- Fine, with love. Boys on the same wave, they have a fraternal union. It seems to me that the redhead perceives me as a service station: to feed, feed. Periodically, they are two of them from Egor, when I have a shooting. Redheads there walks in the yard, chases birds. Egor is engaged in his affairs. Full idyll.

Polina Maksimova:

Dress, Dolce & Gabbana; Palantine (fox fur), "fur of Catherine"; Earrings, necklace and bracelet from Color collection, all - Mercury; Watch from the collection Happy Diamonds, Chopard

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What are your plans for the new year? Already thought where and how to celebrate the holiday?

- No, have not thought yet. We are both spontaneous people with Egor. I adore such impromptu - when you plan one thing, and then you decide to fly into one moment. And after a few hours you're sitting in the plane and think: "What a happiness that you don't need to cut Olivier and extinguish this piece of paper in your own glade with champagne!" (Laughs.) This is a huge buzz - Watch, how to celebrate the new year in different parts of the earth!

- But now they do not fly much.

- Russian cities are open. You can go on a tour of the Golden Ring, for example. Or ride all the same skating on Lake Baikal. We'll see. We are largely dependent on our own employment, while it is difficult to predict and build plans. Now the situation is so unstable in the country, in the world. You must always be ready for everything.

- How would you like to spend New Year's Eve? To dream.

- Main, together. And where and how - it doesn't matter!

- If we talk about gifts, also prefer surprises?

- As for gifts for me, yes - I love surprises. I myself, carefully thinking my presents close. Listen, I look at, sometimes I bring out what they would like. I have full of tricky ways to do it. (Laughs.) I even choose packaging for a long time.

- Was a surprise gift that you especially remember?

- The new year was always a feeling of approaching magic, since childhood. I grew up in nineties. I had a lot of books and few toys. I remember, drove the dresses, jackets, shoes that gave my mother's friends after our children. We lived in a feather in a small duke - parents, me and grandmother with my grandfather. But they lived together. And here is another New Year's pre-holiday bustle. Mom with grandmother in the kitchen, grandfather's grandfather moves furniture with a TV to a balcony, freeing the place for the Christmas tree, I am at the boxes - I look at the brilliant balls, Gourhu Gurlyands and get the Bengal lights. And finally, the magic process is completed, the Christmas tree is dressed up, smells of cheese, tangerines and cakes. And the house is filled with the waiting for Santa Claus. He some mysterious way can be able to put a gift for the Christmas tree, and I still don't understand how he will do that I will not see him. (Laughs.) But there are no gifts yet, and I fall asleep under the Irony of Fate. And in the morning ... Near me wakes up Hryush, the very, from the TV, from the favorite transfer of "good night, kids!" I hugged him and kissed and did not believe that he was now mine! For me it was incredible! These were very strong emotions! Only then I learned that Santa Moroza was my grandmother at that very night. And where she got a toy at that time - she still keeps secret.

- Did you have ever since the New Year desires?

- Sure! I always make a desire for the battle of the chimes! And I try to list in my head as much as possible. (Laughs.) And always sacred believe that I managed to make, - will surely come true!

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