Flu epidemic: how to strengthen health by food


In early February, according to Rospotrebnadzor, the flu epidemic began in Russia. In many regions, kindergartens and schools on quarantine were closed, recommend to refuse to visit mass events, as well as to engage in the prevention of the disease.

It is believed that the best prevention of influenza is vaccination, which is carried out a few months before the early epidemiological season. Now the vaccinations are already late. You need to pay your attention to the proper nutrition to strengthen the immune system. In the diet should daily include proteins, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. Specialists also recommend drinking kefir or homemade yogurts, in which useful bacteria are present. In this difficult period, it is better to reduce the amount of alcohol and buried cigarettes. Increase sleep time and try to lie down until 11 pm. Do not hyproof and add physical activity.

Folk medicine recommends that there are as many onions and garlic. Also onions and garlic can be crushed, decompose on the scenes and place in the rooms. Use coniferous, citrus, tea tree oils and eucalyptus. At home, you can drop on the battery or take a bath with a drop.

In addition, it is necessary to regularly air the premises, wash as many times as possible, as well as to use special ointments that need to be processed with nasal moves before leaving the house.

Natalia Grishina, Ph.D., a gastroenterologist, nutritionist

Natalia Grishina, Ph.D., a gastroenterologist, nutritionist

Natalia Grishina, k. M. N., Gastroenterologist, nutritionist

- During the flu epidemic, it is very important that low-fat meat, oily fish, butter, fat, eggs, cottage cheese are present on the table. These products are vital for the processes of blood formation, the normal operation of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the nervous system, is needed that the liver performs antitoxic function. For health it is necessary to obtain iron (and precisely from meat), phosphorus, zinc, vitamins of group B. Separately, I want to say about vitamin D - this vitamin can not be synthesized even under the rays of the sun - without drinking meat and butter. Meat should be consumed at least two times a week. Portions should not be huge, for example, the norm for a child is 6 years old - 140 g per day. In the morning, the garnish can serve cereals and pasta, in the second - vegetables. Potatoes are better eating with fish or separately. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract (heartburn, gas formation), then as a source of vitamin C can be recommended by sauer cabbage, cranberry, lingonberries. To hurt less, you need to observe the drinking mode and drink no less than 1.5-2 liters of water (if there are no kidney diseases).

As for eating a raw bow and garlic in large quantities, this "recipe" may be dangerous to health. In this way, you can get a stomach mucosa burn, provoke aggravation of gastritis.

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