Alla Sigallova: "The worst call - when you stop falling in love"


No one ever seen Alla Sigalov weak, even in the most tragic moments of life. This charming, a fragile woman impress the impregnable iron lady. But the volcano, raging in her soul, finds an exit in its extraordinary, sensual productions on the stage. She is one of the most sought-after choreographers and from us, and abroad, and now the theater director. This season, the audience rushed into two loud performances - "XX century. Ball "in MHT and" My Beautiful Lady "in the Oleg Tabakov Theater. And recently, her book "HAPPINESS MY".

1. On the upbringing

In childhood, I was given to read the right books. Therefore, the brains quickly stood in place. In general, the issue of education is primarily the book that the child reads, and the films that he looks.

One of the main rules that were settled in me - not to be intrusive, not to force anyone to exist near politeness. If a person wants to see me - he will call.

I do not urge anyone to be fastened to all buttons, "man in a case". Want to be open - be it. Just have a certain framework. This is called upbringing.

"Complex" is a great word. All complexes work on a positive, if analyzing them and relate themselves to those difficulties of their own nature that you are not satisfied.

For me, the body is signals, I see them and very reacting to how a person goes how he turns his head, as she takes his hand, for me all these are very important signs.

2. About me

I accept life as it is. Never dream about anything. I live today's day and happy. If I want something, then I do it right away. I wanted to go somewhere - food. I want to communicate with a person - it means I will.

Probably, if I were wiser, I would have done something in my life differently. I made mistakes that wise man would not commit. But, apparently, wisdom is not not to do nonsense, but to be able to realize them and repent.

It is the ballet, the choreographic school gave me such important qualities as discipline, patience, punctuality and obligation.

In my life there were very scary actions for which I would always feel guilty. Most of them, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to correct.

I became tolerant, I began to forgive more, but not everything, and therefore quite a large number of people brought for a circle. Thank God, they were not in the closest circle.

3. About profession

If I lived without pain, then I could not work. What should I talk about, if I swim with fat, a prosperous maiden? The pain that you overcome or did not overcome, and there is a generator of life and creativity.

I have fear every time when I'm going to the rehearsal. And when it seems to me that I'm calm, immediately think: "My God, really all over and came this terrible time?" The excitement of this kind is necessarily a creative person.

In the "my beautiful lady" in the foreground for me - the story of the teacher and the student, because behind the back of the thirty-six years of pedagogy, this is a very important part of my life. Naturally, I fell in love, there were novels with students, and this is normal, it should be.

4. About love

The worst call - when you stop falling in love. What else should shower do, how not love? To children, to mom, to men, to work, to the sun? The soul is a dash love, and nothing else.

Love and family life are always some compromises to which you close your eyes, because there is something important, for what you are ready to love, wait, believe ...

Passion can destroy, and can create. It depends on the person in the proposed circumstances, from education, from experience. Yes, I am a passionate man! And it could not live otherwise. This is a creative moment of my life.

If, God forbid, I happen to some conflict, I just quietly, calmly say goodbye and leave.

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