Sulankina put the son on the rollers


- I have long wanted to learn how to rollers, but with the advent of children, this desire has increased. Since Seryozha wants to do at once with all kinds of sports, then I also need to keep yourself in a tone. I recently came to a sports shop and inspected with interest the whole range. Beginning from the rollers. I went shopping and chose different accessories: armrests, knee pads and helmet. And suddenly the saleswoman approaches me and says: "Yes, why do you need to buy everything separately. We now have an action, and the same videos together with all accessories are three times cheaper. " And led me to them. I was so surprised. After all, she should be on the contrary, it is beneficial to visit everything more expensive.

Margarita Sulankina with children. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Margarita Sulankina with children. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

"Seryozha," continues Rita, "wants to learn how to skate. He is generally a very intelligent guy. All the time I says: "Mom, and when will you give me to sit behind the wheel of your car? I can". In fact, he grabs everything very quickly.

Margarita Sulankina with children. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Margarita Sulankina with children. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Margarita shared that she herself was scared to get up on the rollers for the first time. But, seeing how boldly the son rolled out, the singer decided to follow him. For security, she put on the armrests and knee pads so that it was not so afraid:

"Although never rolled on the rollers, I knew how to stand." As expected, the ski technique is about the same. The main thing is to put the legs with a Christmas tree and keep balance. And then you will not fall. Well, everything, while we went.

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