In the wilderness in the village


Vacation on the nose, and you still have not decided on the holiday location? Proposals of tourist firms die diversity: Spain, Maldives, Bulgaria ... Or maybe you do not need a Turkish coast? The crazy rhythm of urban life tires so much that these long-awaited days want to spend in the atmosphere of silence and peace. And where, as not in the ordinary Russian village, you can relax and enjoy the clocks full of ballasts slower the current time ...

Rest in the village will give a lot of quiet charms. Wake up in the morning under the singing of the rooster, breathe full of pure clean air, carved by flavors of blooming herbs, start the ice well water, listen to bird trills overflows, and you will understand that life is beautiful!

Forest tale

Even the most devoted fans of the sweet kingdom of Morpheus, spending vacation on the village, get up early. And feel beautiful! Thank for this you need a pacified atmosphere of Russian deep, healthy rustic cuisine and oxygen, which in the current air with an excess. Morning can be found a lot of enjoyment of classes. For example, go to the forest over the berries. The smell of needles, birds for the birds, the honey taste of strawberry strawberry, solar clearing, overgrown with clover - all this gives a feeling of complete merging with nature. The only inconvenience is a mosquito, which in the forest, of course, apparently invisible. So buzzes over the ear, so torment to try the berry for taste. But for each enemy there is its own weapon. In our case, these are rubber boots, a sporty suit, Panama on the head, and - necessarily - a remedy for biting monsters to the whole body. By the way, the same equipment should be from lovers of morning fishing.

Sunny baths

Hot afternoon go to the lake or river. And not only for bathing and hunting behind the water lily. Take a lightweight tent with you (the choice of koi in the stores is now a huge), your favorite book, fruit and sweets. The little picnic will bring a lot of positive emotions. Just do not forget the garbage bags, and most importantly - sunscreen and spray aerosol from midges. Otherwise, instead of a peaceful evening, you will find pain from burns and unbearable itching from bites. Do not forget about these funds and if you are going to enjoy the afternoon sleep in a hammock. In the afternoon, a lot of pleasant impressions will deliver a walk through the village and its surroundings. Wooden houses, drowning by bare feet paths, flowering meadows will bring a peaceful to the soul. And if you grab the camera, you are guaranteed beautiful landscape pictures.

Evening fun

A mandatory attribute of a rustic recreation is a Russian bath. Enjoy it better in the evening. Sharp the attack, start the tea from the mixture of fragile herbs and go to bed. Sleep will be smooth and deep. And morning awakening will bring the feeling that you have grown out for several years. True, bath joys can afford only those who have a healthy heart and vessels. In the evening you can do the cooking kebab. And both on the shore of the lake and in the garden near the house. Such a yummy you will not be treated in any restaurant! Missing smoky and air infused on herbs, juicy pieces of meat simply melted in the mouth. The darkening sky with stars, nature, fire and tranquility - this picture will not pop up in memory, when you return to your usual, noisy and rich world events.

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