Daria Pogodin: "Assign Saturday Ice Cream with Fruit"


There are many important qualities that can contribute to the achievements and happiness of a person, but there is only one that leads to sustainable and long-term success in all aspects of life: self-discipline. Whether your diet, fitness, work ethics or relationship, self-discipline is the number one feature to achieve goals. How to increase the level of self-discipline?

Eliminate temptations. The elimination of all temptations and distracting factors from your environment is an important first step in working on self-discipline. If you are trying to better control your food, give up unhealthy food. Delete Fast Footh delivery applications. If you want to improve the concentration of attention while working, turn off your mobile phone and remove the mess from your table. Adjust yourself to success, abandoning evil influence.

Eat regularly and useful. Studies have shown that a low blood sugar levels often weaken the determination of a person. When you are hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers, as your brain does not function in full force. Hunger prevents focus on current tasks, not to mention what makes you grumpy and pessimistic. You have much more chances to have a weakened sense of self-control in all spheres of our life - diet, exercises, work, relationships. In order not to get rid of the way, make sure that during the day you eat well with healthy snacks and food every few hours.

Do not wait until you like everything. Improvement of self-discipline means changing the usual routine of the day, which may be uncomfortable and awkward. The habits of behavior can be traced in parts of the brain, called basal ganglia, is part of the brain associated with emotions, patterns and memories. On the other hand, decisions are accepted in prefrontal crust, a completely different area. When behavior becomes a habit, we cease to use their decision-making skills and instead we work on autopilot. Consequently, the rejection of the harmful habit and the production of a new habit not only requires active solutions from us, but it will seem to be incorrect. Your brain will resist the changes in favor of which it has been programmed. Decision? Take incorrect. Admit that your new regime will need time to feel right and natural. Keep working.

Schedule breaks and rewards for yourself. Self-discipline does not mean that your new mode must be fully tough in execution. In fact, the lack of opportunity for maneuver often leads to failures, disappointments and concessions to old habits. Practicing self-control, plan for yourself certain breaks and rewards. On a diet? Assign Saturday afternoon fruit ice cream. Are you trying to lose weight? After a month of campaigns in the gym Pamper yourself with an unusual massage. Do you work on the control of your expenses? Allow yourself to spend a couple of thousand in the shopping center on Sunday. (Leave credit cards at home and bring only cash). Self-discipline may be difficult. Reward your efforts.

Forgive yourself and move forward. The introduction of a new way of thinking does not always go according to plan. You will have ups and downs, incredible successes and complete failures. The main thing is to continue moving forward. When you have a failure, realize that it caused it, and move on. It is easy to immerse yourself in a sense of guilt, anger or disappointment, but these emotions will not help improve self-discipline.

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