Faces without a single wrinkle - this is no longer fashionable


New Year's holidays - a great time to transform yourself. During this period, you can resort to a variety of procedures that allow you to obtain excellent rejuvenation results. Today we will talk about lipophiling, which in the last year has acquired a sufficient number of fans and fans.

What is lipophiling? This is the introduction of its own fat in order to improve the contours of the body, to acquire the "pumped" press, make lips more sexual, and the cheekbones are high. What are the pros and cons of the procedure?

Among the advantages, many notice the safety of the active substance. Own fat does not cause allergies or rejection. My personal opinion is that you can adjust your fat anything (buttocks, hands, belly to create a relief press), but not a face. The survival rate of fat is a very individual moment that is impossible to predict. Never not clear how much fat arrive: 20% can take root, and may be 80%. There are also such patients who do not know anything. Therefore, surgeons, making the lipophiling procedure, resort to hypercorrection. Purify fat 2 times more than it is necessary - based on the fact that some part of it takes place. But here there is a certain risk, because everything or almost everything can take.

Another important point: after the lipophiling procedure, it is impossible to lose weight in the first six months, otherwise there is a risk that the fat will leave. In people with an excess subcutaneous fatty tissue, an additional weight gain can lead to the fact that the person after lipophiling will begin to increase in the amount of what is also not very pleasant.

Lipophiling refers to fairly invasive procedures, because during her not only the person is subject to intervention, but also the donor zone. In addition, with the age of tissue, under the influence of gravity, as a result of which the face gradually cracks down. In case we are dealing with hyaluronic acid fillers, which over time are independently outlined from the body, they can be introduced on a new one and create a volume where necessary, avoiding unnecessary volumes and not exacerbating the situation. There is no such possibility with fat, so the person will continue to "slide" with him. And it will happen much faster, as fat weights tissue.

Any injection procedure entails the risk of ischemic vessels - squeezing the arteries by the drug from the outside. But if hyaluronic acid-based fillers were used to rejuvenate, avoiding unwanted phenomena and formidable complications, with the help of antidota, the hyaluronidase enzyme, whose task is to split hyaluronic acid and remove it from the body. In the case of its own fat, there is no such antidote.

Fashion on the face is changing, what was considered beautiful 10 years ago, today, already unfashionable. Inflatable faces without a single wrinkle out of themselves. Today, other standards - priority is made on the quality of the skin, the naturalness and naturalness, which, as practice shows, is easiest to achieve with hyaluronic acid, and not their own fat when it comes to the face.

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