Anna Kalashnikova: "Prokhor knew about my past relations"


At the end of May, Anna Kalashnikova and Prokhor Shalyapin were to get married. But on the appointed day, only one bride came to the registry office. Meets with the actress and talked about how she plans to live on.

- Anna, how do you feel now?

- I think that I will be very long to move away from this situation. I do not hide that it hurts me and hard to worry about the gap with your loved one, and even more so - on the eve of the wedding ... I am very worried about my son. He always spoke the word "dad" even more often than "mother."

- Have you hoped before the latter that Prokhor will come to register?

- I did not believe in the latter what happened. It was hoping that this was an evil joke ... Yes, we planned to invite many guests to our wedding, found a wonderful place, put up the menu, scenery, even started setting up a wedding dance - we thought out everything to the smallest detail. But if he had told me: "Come on without the press, without guests. Slap now in a quiet and leave everything only between us "- I would agree. I always respected this person and his decision. Probably, I was in the depths of my soul on such an outcome.

Anna Kalashnikova calls Salapina Prokhor one of the most expensive people. She believes that time will put everything in its place

Anna Kalashnikova calls Salapina Prokhor one of the most expensive people. She believes that time will put everything in its place

"Anna, recently you admitted that I was warned by Prokhor about the possibility that the child may not be it." This is true?

- I was originally honest with him. Thank you to him that I have never raised this topic. We were very happy. We traveled together on the ultrasound, chose clothes, crib. And they did not return to this topic almost a year, so I still can not understand why now everything turned out in this way ... But, no matter what they say, I do not hold anyone to anyone, I have no complaints. All I want now is that both of my favorite people are happy: this is my son Danechka and Prokhor.

- How could this happen?

- I have met a long time with a person who loved. We had a serious relationship. In June, I had an anniversary, and he helped me a lot with his organization, but himself left a note on the day of the holiday, which could not be present, and flew away. I called him, he did not take the phone, and when he answered, he apologized and said that we could no longer be together. At that moment, the whole world collapsed for me. I was very painful and bad, but I gathered with the forces and continued to the party, among the invited friends there was a prokhor - he became a sip of fresh air for me, always positive and smiling. Somehow it happened that after that day we began to get closer all the stronger and stronger. I felt good and calmly with him. And after some time I learned what was pregnant. But Prokhor knew about my past relations.

- Why did you immediately explain everything after the disclosure of the DNA test?

- I was in a shock, I could not even get up. We did the test and forgotten. I was important only that Prokhor knew about it. And he perfectly understood that the likelihood of paternity was 50 to 50. I was waiting for it to take this envelope and tear him or leaves us - after all, this is only our personal matter. At that moment, the first thoughts were that this is an evil joke or draw, everything will end now. Unbearable pain pierced my heart, I wanted to scream, but could not.

- Anna, why, after all that happened, did you go to the registry office in a wedding dress?

- Hope dies last. For me, this wedding was a very important step. I wanted to tie myself a marriage with a loved one. Initially, we planned a wedding on April 15, but my favorite grandmother died, and on the 15th day fell 40 days. Prokhor supported me, and we suffered a celebration on May 24th. I thought that day would be the happiest in my life. I thought that I would remember this moment forever. I remember ...

- What song did you sing?

- This song "Two Planets" was supposed to become our Wedding Duet with Prokhor. It means a lot for me. After all, I was presented to us by my brother Konstantin Kalashnikov last year, when Prokhor was just going to make me an offer. We constantly postpone her record, and then they turned for help on the improvement of the song to Alexey Malakhov and Sergey Grachev. In it - all my pain, soul and the cleanest, sincere emotions. I was very waiting for the proget of the record, but in the end I came to the studio ...

In March of this year, Anna and Prokhor flew away to Sochi, where they celebrated the anniversary of the son of Daniel

In March of this year, Anna and Prokhor flew away to Sochi, where they celebrated the anniversary of the son of Daniel


- What are you planning to do next?

- In the difficult moments of life, the work has always saved me. On May 24, on the day of our failed wedding, I released my first debut single "Two Planets", who dedicated a son and Prokhor, and already on the day of the protection of children took place the clip. Now there is also a lot of work with my boutique of clothing of Russian designers. It is always easy for me to go with your head to work that does not allow to relax and plunge into experiences ...

- How do your relatives react to the current situation?

- My family supports me. I was very lucky with my parents - they are always there. It is the support of my loved ones and friends that helps to go further.

- Prokhor visits your son?

- Now we do not communicate. I believe that time will put everything in its place.

- Anna, what do you say to wake up every morning and live on?

- I have a favorite son of Daniel. Every morning, when I wake up, I look at him, and I don't need to talk anything. He is a little man, for which every new day I open my eyes, I work and I do not give myself the right to reveal.

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