Peter Peng, open rollers and younger Bruegeli: poster for january



What: Premiere of the film "Peter Peng and Alice in Wonderland"

New reading of old and loved ones by all stories. The scenarios joined the manners of Lewis Carroll and James Barry, and also tried to combine fairy tale and reality. The result was ambiguous, but watch the movie is worth. So, if you knew that, it turns out before Alice went to the country of miracles, and Peter became Pan, they were brother and sister. Their legendary adventures began due to the strength of imagination, inherited from a loving mother and fantasist father. With whatever testing their family, they never forgot to dream. Mad Hatcher and the Red Queen, Fairy Din-Din and Captain Hook - Magic is waiting for every angle, you just need to be able to see it ...

The cast is worth a separate mention. In the main women's role - very beautiful Angelina Jolie. Artist of the Main Male role, as well as part-time producer of the film - David Oleo. With them in the company - Michael Kane, David Oleouo, Anna Chensellor - We have not yet decided on how more interesting things.

Where: in online cinemas

When: from January 4.


What: Exhibition "Junior Bruegeli and their era. Netherlands painting of the golden century from the collection of Valeria and Konstantin Maergauz "

If the World History of Arts created the ratings of the Great Dynasties, then one of the first lines in this list would certainly occupy a Breygele family. During the century, for four generations, she presented to humanity almost a dozen artists, not to mention the numerous imitatives and followers of the Breyghelev tradition.

Remember, a year and a half ago, many interested in painting and art, specially flew to Austria, to the exhibition of Bruegelels in the Museum of Art History of Vienna. To buy a ticket, you had to defend a decent line. Now there is an opportunity to see Brueghel Jr., reaching from Moscow to the new Jerusalem.


In total, 70 works were placed on the square of 650 square meters, most of which will be shown to the Russian public. In the center of the exhibition opened under the curtain of 2020 - the works of Peter Bruegel Jr. (1564-1638), the son and follower of Peter Breygel Senior (he was called hellish). He was an excellent copier of paternal creation, thanks to which we have an idea of ​​many works of his father, whose originals are lost. Special attention is paid to the early composition of the wizard "Rich and Lestiets", relatively large in size "peasant holiday", as well as his well-known painting "Good Shepherd". Earlier, she was in the collection of N. K. Roerich, and later passed to the collection of Belgian Baron Paul Kronker. For a long time, this work caused fierce disputes, many specialists saw in her the original Peter Bruegel senior (Menietic), and only in 2014, after careful studies, the painting "Good Shepherd" was recognized as the author's work of excellent quality Peter Bruegel Jr.

Another creative way was the second son of Peter Bruegel Senior - Jan Bruegel Senior (1568-1625), which in the world of painting is known as velvet. It was less depended on the samples of his father (the exact copy was not his paths), although this experience was also held. For example, its version of the "Winter Landscape with Poultry Trap" is presented at the exhibition. A relatively small number of works of Yana Bruegel Elder complement the paintings of his son, a student and the workshop of the workshop - Yana Bruegel Jr. (1601-1678). Their workshop was one of the most popular and demanded artistic industries in Antwerp, which had a great influence on the Flemish school of painting XVII century.

A separate group at the exhibition form works by France II Frankna and Sebastian Vranks - famous antwerp masters of historical and battle genres, preferred to create works of chamber format and in this sense who spent the direct creative rivals of younger Bruegles.

Where: Museum "New Jerusalem"

When: daily until April 11


What: The performance "Magic lamp Aladdin"

It is difficult to believe that under the curtain of the outgoing year, the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" celebrated the 80th anniversary. The premiere of the play, written by the classic puppet drama by Nina Hernet based on the Arab fairy tales "1001 Nights", played on October 1, 1940. This romantic idea of ​​love was first addressed to adults. Later, the samples, as is customary to speak, "Target Audience" changed to "Guys". And there continued to come not only by families, but sometimes adults - and without children.


Since then, no one dozen years have passed, and the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" remains one of the most beautiful performances of the dolls of Sergey Exeznod dolls, which entered the "Gold Collection" of the theater. Eastern city with golden palaces, parade of graceful cohesive dolls, the magic of wonderful transformations and fabulous fantasy. Grozny Genn Kashkash and the majestic desert lord - lion. The romantic love of Aladdin and Tsarevna Boud, for which the hot and bold young man entered the fight against the insidious and the greedy Vizier and overcame all obstacles. All this is a puppet play "Magic Lamp Aladdin"!

By the way, until January 10, a unique promotion passes in the theater. Before the start of the performance and in the intermission you can sign "theatrical postcards" and send them to different ends of the world to your friends and relatives. The mailbox is installed directly in the foyer of the theater.

"Theatrical postcards" can be found next to the mailbox. Especially for this action, postcards with the main theater symbols were released - famous fabulous clocks that are one of the sights of Moscow, sketches to the favorite performance "Nutcracker", "Star on the way in Bethlehem", sketch for the spectral "night before Christmas" Hands of the famous artist Sergey Alimova. Sketches decorate postcards for performances of the main director Boris Konstantinova "Walked down the puppy Street" and "Snowman".

Where: Sergey Oblats doll theater

When: 4, January 23


What: rollers in parks



In December, 18 rollers with artificial ice worked in Moscow, which will continue their work and on the winter holidays. This year, a ticket to the ice platform can be bought only online, and check-re-checking contacts are introduced to tracking contacts with the sick. This winter you can visit 7 rinks for free (in the park "Fili", the park of the 50th anniversary of October, the Mitino landscape park, the estate of Vorontsovo, in the parks "Angarsky ponds", "Dubki" and the Goncharovsky Park), as well as 11 rinks, where The entrance will be paid: This is a skating rink in Gorky Park, in the Hermitage Garden, Bauman Garden, in the Parks "Red Presnya", "Khodynskoye Field", in Perovsky, Izmailovsky, Taganskaya, Babushkinsky Parks, Mitino landscape park and in the square By Olonetsk, pass.

Where: 7 free and 11 paid rollers

When: all January

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