Forgotten products of the past


But a year from year to year, beauty standards are changing. Today, more and more people understand that they will chase them - the case is a glible.

However, whatever way you have chosen for yourself - the worship of a beauty cult or a complete bodypositive, no one will argue with the fact that healthy and well-kept face skin is an unconditional plus, which pleases its owner and causes pleasant emotions from others.

Cosmetology of the 20th century

Back in 1930, the first "Cabinet of Medical Cosmetics" opened in Moscow. If earlier women independently created funds for everyday leaving of the girlfriend, now science has closely undertaken to solve the problem of aging and fading.

After 7 years, the Cosmetics and Hygiene Institute of Cosmetics and Hygiene was founded, which by the 60s turned into the Moscow Research Institute of Cosmetology. At its base, 20 years later, the first section of plastic surgery was opened in the USSR. By the beginning of the 90s, the first laboratory on the examination of cosmetological agents was founded.

Second life of forgotten funds

Natural cosmetics is traditionally expensive. However, to arrange a spa evening can every woman at home. It is only necessary to correctly determine the type of skin and find suitable home cosmetics recipes. At home, you can make cream, scrub, hair mask and body, balm, air conditioning and much more.


Major assistants Women: oils, grass, clay, sour cream, honey, ground coffee, butter, etc. Many women use exotic means: for example, seaweed spirulina. In Russia, it is implemented by the company "Splaytsis", and grow and brought from China. Under this brand is a widely known face mask from spirulina, rich in vitamins, amino acids and microelements. This is an ready-made product - just mix with water before applying to face.

Spirulina is also taken inward as a biologically active additive. It is especially useful for vegetarians as a source of protein. In general, the ruler of the company's products Splitensis covers the forms of the release of spirulina, from a natural cosmetic mask to Capsules Spirulina Splatensis © for reception during the day.

Do you follow modern technologies or prefer folk remedies - the main thing is to remember that in any case the key to external beauty is an internal harmony with himself.

LLC "SPLATENSIS" 121353, Moscow, Skolkovskoe sh., D. 21/32, p. 1 OGRN 1157746892247.


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