Cooking 'Far Eastern Lunch



Red Fish Soup

Cooking 'Far Eastern Lunch 17679_1

Ingredients: For 4 servings: 500 g of red fish fillets, 30 ml of vegetable oil, 3 garlic cloth, 2 bulbs, 1 twig of fresh thyme, 100 g of canned tomatoes, 1 l chicken broth, 20 g of butter, salt, pepper.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

How to cook: finely chopped onions fry on vegetable oil with whole cloths of garlic. Add thyme, butter and salt. After a few minutes, garlic and thyme extract, and in the scenery to send the fillet of the Red Fish, sliced ​​by a cube. After that, put the cut tomatoes without skin, canned in our own juice. Put the cutter in the oven and tomorrow at a temperature of 150 degrees five to ten minutes. Get out of the furnace, pour into vegetables and fish chicken broth and return the cutter in the oven. Another ten minutes and fifteen, and the red red fish soup can be served to the table!


Salad "Far East"

Cooking 'Far Eastern Lunch 17679_2

Ingredients: for 4 servings: 300 g of squid, 3 eggs, 1 white radish Daikon, 1 Red Bulgarian pepper, 1 bulbs, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 20 g of butter, 3 peer green onions, 1 lemon, 2 tbsp. Soy sauce, salt, pepper.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

How to cook: Squids clean, cut into rings and quickly fry in a mixture of creamy and vegetable oil. Add salt and pepper. White radish Daikon cut into thin plates and lay out on the bottom of a big bowl, above the red bell pepper, sliced ​​with thin stripes. Salt. The next layer lay out large chopped boiled eggs and finely chopped green onions. Hanging the composition you need rings of fried squid. For sauce mix soy sauce, vegetable oil and lemon juice. Fill the salad, mix all the ingredients, decorate the greens and serve to the table!


Dessert with Physalis and Puff Test

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Ingredients: Ingredients: ½ kg of puff pastry, 300 g Fihalisa, 2 apples, 1 tbsp. Cedar nuts, ½ tbsp. Sugar, 3 tsp. Starch.

Cooking time: 1 hour

How to cook: Clear apples from the peel and grate on the grater. Physalis is finely extorted. Press fruit from excess liquid, mix, add sugar, starch and cedar nuts. Puff dough finely roll out, sprinkle with flour and cut into squares. To put on the center of each square on the spoon of the filling of apples and the phizalis, and then make the corners of the dough slices in the center. Share the resulting pies on the bakingbird, lubricated with vegetable oil, and send to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for forty minutes.

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