How to teach your beloved sex?


Recent studies refute a well-known stereotype that men are more skillful in intimate proximity than fair sex. So, women are 4 times more often called as the reason for the breaking of the relationship of the problem in sexual life from the side of the former husband, rather than such problems on their part1. Meanwhile, men usually do not recognize their limitations in intimate issues and are satisfied with their skills. How does a woman not sacrifice neither with his own pleasure or a relationship with his beloved man?

"Unfortunately, a man will not learn and make an" extra "effort, if he got used to the years to make love on a certain plot, and everything suits him. He will not understand why something change, if everything is so good. If the man suddenly realizes that changes in it are needed itself, it will cause anxiety from him, and it should not be compatible with the thoughts of sex. Women's wisdom is that a man should not understand that he is trying to change or teach it, "says Sex Coachr Ekaterina Lyubimov.

The expert advises women to show patience, not to make an overwhelmed expectation for a partner, which can lead to offended, and most importantly - not to allow sharp changes and all new to bring gradually. Feeding to offend a partner, women often do not show what they really like, and what not, so a man may not guess when he makes his beloved nice, and when he should change tactics. But this is the most important thing! Therefore, the priority task of a woman is to convey to a man that she actually gives pleasure, not touching his pride.

"How often are we, women, try to close your eyes to the fact that our favorite is not ideal in bed. After all, it is not parted because of such "little things" and not to go to an adulter, if you can teach sex, "the situation of Ekaterina Lyubimov comments.

Ekaterina Lyubimova, leading Russian sex coach

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