Beauty revision: restore the skin and hair after summer


Even if you all spent the first sunny autumn days in the city, you still received your dose of ultraviolet. To do this, a short enough walk. And as you know, UV rays adversely act on the skin and hair. The hair becomes brittle, overwhelmed, burn out. And in the skin the processes that specialists are called photorestation are: it is in the fall of some wrinkles, extended vessels, pigment stains appear. Man feels that the skin is dried.

You can cope with this problem both at the reception at the cosmetologist and the tricheologist and at home. And the first thing you need to do is normalize the drinking mode. If a person has no kidney problems, then on the day it should drink at least one and a half liters of pure water. It is necessary to drink, otherwise no masks and procedures will help with a dehydrated organism.

To put in order hair, which were injured due to ultraviolet, wind and exposure to sea water, need to go to care products in which there is vitamin A, returning shine curls; Vitamin B, protecting against the negative impact of external factors; Vitamin E, helps to keep moisture in hair; Panthenol filling damaged parts; As well as coconut or shea oil, mango oil and vitamin F - they moisturize their hair and do not allow them to rear. Alkaline shampoo will help and the pH of which is higher than 8. So the hair can be washed once a month. This is enough to wash the dirt and salt from the hair scales. And for dry, damaged hair, "acidic" shampoos, with a reduced alkali content, whose pH is 5-7 units, or at all are absurd, with pH 4.5-5.5. The simplest moisturizing masks will be alive: it's a warm rippy or a prostropriety on the hair, to bite the head with a cellophan, then a towel. After 20 minutes, apply a second layer of warm prostitutes or ripples and massaging the pads to the skin about 5 minutes. Wash off warm water without shampoo.

UV rays negatively act on the skin and hair

UV rays negatively act on the skin and hair


There are universal home masks and skin skin. It must be remembered that they are applied only on clean skin, without inflammation and damage. The mask is prepared immediately before applying. Wash off a warm water without soap, and after the moisturizing cream is necessarily applied.

Honey mask It will help to cope with wrinkles that appeared after the summer. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l. grained cucumbers with 1 tsp. liquid honey. Apply for 20 minutes.

Can be perfectly moisturized with the skin using sour cream mask . Mix 2 tbsp. l. grated cucumber with 1 tbsp. l. Fat sour cream, add 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley. Apply for 20 minutes.

Recommended Home procedure with mineral water . On the skin apply olive oil (can be nutritious). Napkin or towel Mooch mineral water and put on face. From above, you need to put a mask made of food film so that breathing openings remain. Then the warm towel. With such a compress you need to lie about 30 minutes.

And do not forget that in the autumn you need to carefully examine your skin on the subject of neoplasms - moles, pigment spots. Since the sun's rays can provoke melanoma or other skin tumors.

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