Hidden threat: What is GMO?


Century Biotechnology

By the beginning of the 21st century, humanity has achieved unprecedented heights in science and created a new promising direction - biotechnology. The results of biotechnological discoveries are actively used in medicine, agriculture, defense industry.

"However, the more complex methods, the greater the likelihood of risks when using them, especially when it comes to introducing into the genome, that is, the program of the structure and development of living organisms," says Irina Ermakova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, an international expert on environmental and food and food security. - The basis of the creation of transgenic organisms is initially a good idea - to create plants that are resistant to frosts, drought, insects, so that these plants give elevated crops, allowing you to feed the ever-growing population of the globe. The problem is that the existing biotechnology methods currently cannot be called impeccable and perfect. In nature, the plant is a natural way of development, in which it does not occur between different species, and, even more, plants or animal classes. The same cultures that we artificially get by embedding new genes from other plants and animals may completely unpredictably influence the person and animals. "

For reference:

Biotechnologists for the creation of genomemic plant plasmids (ring DNA) are used by the tumor-forming soil Bacteria AgroBacterium Tumefaciens. This bacterium can be integrated into the cells of higher plants, causing them formation of growths. Scientists have learned to replace the genes of these bacteria by other genes necessary to modify plants.

What is the danger?

"It was assumed that the bioconstruction that allows us to introduce a new gene into a plant, must fully collapse after the fulfillment of its mission," continues Irina Ermakova - but in practice everything turned out to be different. It not only does not destroy completely, but also replicated, that is, gives numerous copies of itself, starting to "live" with his life.

The danger of GMOs may be due not only to the methods of introducing genes, but also by what genes are embedded. In the process of introducing genes can mutate, which leads to the formation of unknown toxic proteins unknown. In humans and animals, the use of such products causes toxicosis, allergies, other diseases.

And the creation of plants resistant to pesticides and herbicides led to the fact that plants accumulate these substances without harm to themselves. However, a person using them in food will actually absorb toxic chemicals. "

External "Rabbits"

The first disturbing calls began to come from farmers who fed their livestock with transgenic crops. The German farmer Glockner was shocked when almost all of his herd of 70 cows died due to transgenic corn. Animals have degenerative changes in the muscles and organs, their reproductive functions were disturbed, newborn calves quickly died.

When independent research began, it turned out that alien inserts in the plants are not completely destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, as previously stated. On the contrary, they penetrate and embed into the cells of different organs. Moreover, the transgenic inserts were discovered not only in animals, but also identified in the saliva and intestinal microflora.

Numerous experiments on rats, mice and hamsters showed that as a result of feeding by gennomified plants, they had toxic damage to the liver, kidneys, intestines, pancreas and seeds, was born underdeveloped offspring, many individuals were sterility.

Influence on man

Experimental studies on mammals, to which a person belongs to, show that GMOs can lead to infertility, oncological diseases, genetic deformities, allergic reactions. For example, in Sweden, where transgenic cultures are prohibited, the number of allergies is only 7%, and in the USA, where there are no prohibitions on the GMO, this figure comes to 70%.

How to protect yourself

"Unfortunately, this is a very difficult task," Irina Ermakova agrees. - Of course, it is worth avoiding the use of GM food. But how to find out?

For several years, Greenpeace Russia has published consumer directory "How to choose products without transgene?", In which lists of companies producing products with GMOs.

In Moscow, 16 laboratories were organized, in which it is paid to determine the presence of alien genetic inserts using the PCR method.

In addition, it is possible:

- Avoid Fastfud

- carefully study the composition of any product

- follow the reaction of the own body. If he "does not accept" some product, it is better to refuse it

- Do not overeat. To help the body cope with transgenis, it is necessary to arrange unloading or hungry days. "

By the way…

GMOs were developed by the American Chemical Concern "Monsanto", which was previously a military. In the US, gennometric products are not marked.

The gradual accession of Russia in the WTO will lead to the fields of fields with gennometric crops. According to the "exchange letter" between the Russian and American parties, we give the green light to the introduction of GM seeds, GM feed and GM cultures from the United States. Already, part of our fields are sown with transgenic plants.

In the European Union, modified agricultural crops are almost completely prohibited.

GMO cultures are short-lived and degenerate through one or two generations. It can be said that the nature itself rejects them. Because of this, farmers who solved sow modified plants are forced every year to purchase new seeds, which gives considerable profit to manufacturers.

Transgenic plants can apply to neighboring territories through pollen. As a result, normal plants become transgenic and also fruitless.

After the GM products began to enter Russia, the number of allergic reactions increased dramatically, especially in children, as well as oncological diseases and infertility.

GMO in numbers

Currently, more than 25% of all sowing areas of the world are occupied by transgenic cultures.

The largest areas are occupied by sowing of gennodified soybean (61%), corn (23%), cotton (11%) and rape (5%).

Worldwide, more than 140 lines of genetically modified plants are allowed all over the world.

In Russia, 16 Lines of GMOs of Cultures are allowed (7 corn lines, 3 soy lines, 4 potato lines, one line of rice and beet).

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