Six reasons to abandon alcohol on holidays


Fatigue, irritability, bad sleep, redness and dry skin, risks for the heart and vessels - the negative effects of alcohol use can be listed for a long time. The beginning of the year is a good reason to bring positive changes in your life. For example, refusing alcohol. Here are six reasons that will kill you do it.

1. Alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer

According to statistics, each eighth resident resident diagnose breast cancer. There is a direct link between this disease and alcohol. Alcohol increases the level of hormones in the blood, in particular, estrogen, reduces the body's ability to absorb folic acid and can damage DNA. That is why doctors recommend women to drink no more than two portions of alcohol a week (which is approximately 300 milliliters), and ideally abandon him.

2. Alcohol breaks sleep and worsens the mood

Alcohol is a strong depressant. And the consequences of its consumption most often are not the most irreproof: even if at the time of the parties it seems to you that you experience a tide of fun and good mood, you will most likely wake up in a bad mood. What to say about alcohol abuse - it leads to real psyche disorders, depression and even suicide.

In addition, alcohol negatively affects sleep. It blocks the rapid sleep phase, during which we are best restored - from here a familiar to many "broken" state in the morning.

3. Alcohol promotes weight gain

Alcohol contains empty calories in itself, it does not have fat, no protein, nor fiber, and therefore all carbohydrates are instantly converted into glucose. For example, in one portion of wine (150 ml) contains 120 kilocalories - it doesn't care what to eat a sahara bag in a coffee shop. What to say about the cocktails, where sweet syrups and gas production are added in addition to alcohol.

In addition, alcohol is invariably associated with me with food - most often not the most useful. Under the influence of alcohol, we can eat more or choose a less useful alternative - simply because a glass of wine is more suitable for a hearty steak than under a salmon with salmon.

4. Alcohol harms skin

Redness, acne, wrinkles, dull color of the face - all this consequences that alcohol causes on the skin. There are many reasons: First, alcohol prevents the liver to carry out toxins - as a result, we get a decay skin with advanced pores. Secondly, alcohol dehydrates - hence premature wrinkles and dryness. Thirdly, excess alcohol interferes with absorbing vitamin A, which is necessary to generate collagen - therefore, the skin will grow faster and becomes less elastic. Finally, alcohol can damage the vessels on the face - and redness risk becoming constant.

In the book "Year of concern about yourself", Dr. Medicine Jennifer Ashton describes in detail what changes she noticed after all weeks of abandoning alcohol: "I have always suffered from Rosacea, but now my face looked less red. The skin pulled up and looked a little fatty, the amount of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth decreased. " Inside, Ashton offers to make the whole month month without alcohol - and offers a step-by-step plan, as it is easier to cope with the challenge.


5. Alcohol is not so useful for the heart, as is customary

You probably heard about the "useful" dose of alcohol, which positively affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels, reducing the risk of thrombosis. But the entire snag is in the amount of this dose itself. When doctors speak about one wine glass or one portion of strong alcohol, then the volume is 150 ml and 45 ml, respectively. If you measure this amount in a measuring cup, then most likely it will be less than that we used to count for the standard. For example, wine in restaurants poured into a glass on average by 43% more than recommended (i.e., 215 ml), cocktails - by 42% more, and beer - by 22%.

And we have a feature of the smallest amount of drunk: partly due to the fact that we can really forget about the missed glass, partly because to be honest even with ourselves it is not easy to count in mind already reminding what we do that - It is harmful to the body.

The excess of the recommended dose of alcohol extremely negatively acts on the heart and vessels. If you drink more than five servings per week (that is, more than 750 ml), then you risk earning stroke and heart failure. The greatest doses proved to increase blood pressure and contribute to obesity, which is also negatively reflected in the cardiovascular system.

6. Alcohol is expensive

Not the most scientific argument, but it is impossible not to take it into account. Good alcohol is expensive. Especially if you use it in restaurants and bars, where the price is overestimated at times. On the saved money you can buy a new pair of shoes or a massage subscription. And if you calculate savings in a couple of years - enough for extra leave.

"Whenever you have a temptation to exchange your gas production on a glass of shiraza, remember how much money you will not spend and promise to pamper yourself with something (but provided that you will hold all the time)," Dr. Jennifer Ashton advises in his book. .

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