Lisa Arzamasova: "I was a pragmatic girl"


- Lisa, vacation, as you know, has a bad property very quickly end. When do you intend to return to work?

- I have active rehearsals from August since August. It will be quite busy time: put the performance, everything will come up, work. We rehearse "Conspiracy in English" with Sergey Aldonin, a wonderful director and our friend, director of the play "Romeo and Juliet". Now quietly begins to develop. In September, work will begin even two performances. I hope that everything will turn out too.

- And the role of dreams in Liza Arzamasova is?

- I, maybe some kind of wrong, but, in my opinion, it is stupid to dream of some particular role. You can dream of her, of course, but it initially can not be yours. Great, if you can play diverse roles. For example, I had a performance in the Theater of Iney Vakhtangov Princess Ivonna, where I played a non-standard character, such a strange human being - Ivonna. At the same time, I played the Juliet in parallel, who was understandable to me a girl with crazy emotions, feelings, life. It is very interesting when there are different directions at the same time. But I calmly combined these two roles, because it was close to me.

- That is, participation in the play "Romeo and Juliet" continues?

- Now the active tour of the performance goes. Moreover, we are touring Romeo and Juliet, more often than playing Moscow. It makes me happy because I love this performance very much and I am glad that the audience in different cities can see it. The play "Princess Ivonna", unfortunately, stopped existence, but I really miss him. Especially to work with Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoyev. It was some rare interesting connection when you understand a person without words. And the play itself is very rare, extraordinary, all consisting of metaphors.

- In Romeo and Juliet, you play a loving girl. And in life already managed to experience this feeling?

- Maybe I'm not so brave to answer such questions. Maybe there will be time and I want to scream about it. But now is not ready for such topics to speak.

- Well, and fans somehow show our love?

- It is very nice when, during the project "Ice and the Flame", our viewers came to support us with Maxim Stavsky, they were hurting for us, handed us the photos that they themselves did. Of course, such support was important. When you understand what they are sick for you, it is very cool - more and sports interest wakes up. In general, thank God, with respect to fans, I always had everything smoothly, smoothly, without any incidents and funny stories.

Lisa Arzamasova was not afraid to arrange a photo session during a storm. Fortunately, the actress itself did not suffer from the water element. .

Lisa Arzamasova was not afraid to arrange a photo session during a storm. Fortunately, the actress itself did not suffer from the water element. .

- Today, during a photo session, your mother flew the slate, who almost took into the sea a strong current. But you fearlessly jumped into the puchin - and caught it. Brave act. Do you generally brave a girl?

- Under the dome of the circus flew. I do not know - courage is or a matter of trust in the partner with whom you fly. Can you rely on a person or not? In general, it is difficult for me to argue about myself, about the character. It is probably a question for a person who knows me well.

- After school, you entered the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. How is the success in school?

- Already two sessions passed without a single "four," graduated with an excellent course. Study is really very important to me. Therefore, when some rehearsals went, I first took into account the session schedule, and then then painted rehearsal days.

- Why the producer of the faculty? All were sure that you would go to theatrical?

- My mother was also sure. (Smiles.) But, apparently, I just looked a romantic girl, but in fact it turned out to be pragmatic. I know exactly what knowledge I need. At the production faculty there is both higher mathematics and the economy, which, of course, would not be on the acting. But there is still a history of the Russian foreign theater, the history of cinema, the foundations of producer and television skill. I am very pleased, and I'm wondering everything.

- You are impressed by the girl positive in all respects, with a very soft character. And you can stand for yourself, answer strictly if necessary?

- Of course, when it comes to an important choice, we can all show their character. But I can't boost a voice, it's not about me. And if the topped foot is, it will probably look ridiculous. (Laughs.)

- In March you were 18 years old. As noted?

- I gathered my mother, aunt and my closest friends who had already had 18 years old. It was a wonderful, kind company - a cute quiet family holiday. I just wanted to spend this day. Balloons were hindered around the house, as if it was not 18, but 8. And it was also very nice, I felt myself a real child. And two days later I came to the house of Bulgakov, and the guys with whom we play the play "Romeo and Juliet", arranged another holiday. It was a wonderful improvisation on the topic of the performance, in which not only actors, but also administrators, illuminators, costumes, director and friends took part. Touching, fun! I broke away from joy and gentle feelings! And then there was a wonderful cake! And we gathered around the table and sang songs until midnight. In general, it was great.

- What did you give?

- I don't really like to tell about gifts too. Guys gave me a wonderful holiday, parents - a wonderful evening. For me, the most important thing is the memories, as we sat at the table, memories that we have each other.

- Perfect is also a reason to sit behind the wheel. Have you already done it?

- I drive the car exactly two months. True, I go to the instructor while. After all, the real adult ride began. This at the training grounds you suggested and created comfortable conditions. And here you never know, with how mood people driving around you on the road.

- Did you hand over the right?

- Itself. The process was nervous and fairly funny. At first I made a mistake in the city, and I was completely justified to put "nonsense." And the second time it was even more difficult. At first I was waiting for my turn for a very long time, we stood on a small block of asphalt, in a residential area, around a single store, no cafe, and very much I wanted to drink and eat. The weather did not indulge. The first three hours hit the sun, then three hours lied rain. I naturally was without an umbrella. In general, I was waiting, terribly worried, tuned. But then I could not stand it, flew up to the instructor and said: "Please, I really ask you, I really want home, I really want to eat, I really want to drink, really want to go to the toilet. Skip me! " And no longer thinking about anything, rushed on this car. They eventually praised me. And even asked: who taught you to drive?

- Recently, among the actors, it became fashionable to do a musical career. As far as I remember, you also recorded the song and even removed the clip on it ...

- Everyone is so serious about this: but remember, in 2010 you recorded a song ... But all this nonsense. It was just a transitional age, I wanted to lose weight. So I swelt, and in no case regret it. But I love to sing. And if you need or want, then maybe sometimes I will do it. Although it turned out that the song is likely to find very difficult.

- The TV series "Daddy's daughter" is still shown. How do you already react now when you see this film with your participation?

- I generally do not specifically watch movies with my participation. But if I have not yet seen some series of the series, for example, I, of course, it is interesting to see. In general, none of the actors have seen all the series. (Laughs.)

- You can't offend you when you are still called the star "father's daughters"?

"I didn't think about it, just doing my own business." I am not at all sad if I still remember me as the heroine of this series. This is natural because I was often shown on TV in this role.

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