Anastasia Volochkova married?


And the newly scandalous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova surprised her fans with unexpected changes in his personal life. The dancer unequivocally hinted Follovers in microblogging that was going to marry.

"I'm in the registry office, if that ..." - signed photos of Volochkova. Photo:

"I'm in the registry office, if that ..." - signed photos of Volochkova. Photo:

It seems that her beloved Bakhtiyar Salimov made an artist's proposal of his hands and hearts. At least several photos that appeared on the pair pages are told about it. So, Volochkova and Salimov simultaneously posted intriguing pictures on their pages in "Instagram": Bakhtiyar has a photo rings on the background of favorite white ballerina roses, and Volochkova herself shared with the subscribers of photographs made in the hotel's wedding room and next to the registry office.

The photo of the rings appeared in the microblog of the Bakhtiyar Salimov. Photo:

The photo of the rings appeared in the microblog of the Bakhtiyar Salimov. Photo:

Recall that quite recently, Anastasia announced parting with a businessman. The reason for this was the unreasonable jealousy of Salimov. However, a little later, the lovers came up and even together rested in Greece.

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